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Suddenly there burst out from the stillness the clear and piercing music of the réveillé, calling, recalling, iterated, reiterated, and ending with one long high fierce shrill note with which the steep hills rang. Perhaps a boy in the school band was practicing on his bugle, but for Lucian it was magic.

Twenty to ten, and the duck's egg of the absent was sorrowfully inscribed by the Recording Angel, who in Bloomah's case was a pale pupil-teacher with eyeglasses. But it was the Banner which loomed largest on the school horizon, intensifying Bloomah's anxiety and her mother's grievance. 'I don't see nothing, Mrs. Beckenstein iterated; 'no prize, no medal nothing but a red mark and a banner.

"I may say," she intercepted him, "I may tell my dear lover that you bless us both, and that we are to live. Oh, speak! sir! let me hear you!" "Let's go to bed," iterated Mr. Pole. "Come, candles! do light them. In God's name! light candles. And let's be off and say our prayers." "You consent, sir?" "What's that your heart does?" Mr. Pole stopped to enquire; adding: "There, don't tell me.

That ancient lament, that ever iterated accusation of the world because it opposes a certain hindrance to freedom, love, reason, and every excellence which the imagination of man can portray and his heart pursue, what is it, in the final analysis, but a complaint that we cannot walk without weight, and that therefore climbing is climbing?

And had she been observant, she might have seen a second time his knuckles whiten beneath the skin as he asserted his self-control though this time not over his temper. His eyes, dumbly eloquent, turned to meet hers. She was smiling. "Please!" she iterated, with the least imperative pressure on his hand, pushing the folder aside. "I beg pardon?" he muttered blankly.

But in spite of the iterated refusals of the speaker her lovers persisted in graciously rewarding her. At times one came to her with a necklace of pearls, saying, "This is to show my darling that the satin of her skin did not falsely appear to me whiter than pearls" and would put it on the speaker's neck, kissing her lovingly.

It was easy to see that the iterated thanks were distasteful to him. He said nothing until the jubilant Cato also made a spring at it as soon as it was released. "Nebber mind nottin' Oonomoo do nottin'." "Hebens, golly! yes, you did. If you hadn't come jes' as you did, I'd had to fout de Injines all alone, single-handed, widout any feller to help me, and, like as not, would've got hurt."

Diana's ill-natured impertinence having several times received deserved chastisement from that quarter, she was vexed to the soul when Pembroke closed his animated response with the question, "Who is she?" Rather too bitterly for the design on his heart, Miss Dundas iterated his words, and then answered, "Why, she is crazed.

On the principle of a fleeing thief diverting pursuit by shouting "Stop thief," the cry of "fraud" was raised by the Democratic leaders, North and South, against the Republican Party, and was iterated and reiterated so long and loudly, that soon they actually began, themselves, to believe, that President Hayes had been "counted in," by improper methods!

But he, refusing and protesting that it accorded neither to reason nor to justice that he should in the church of his father take on himself the guidance of souls, lest he should seem to hold in heritage the sanctuary of the Lord, his father and pastor bound him thereto by his iterated commands. Why need we many words? Lumanus would not bless him until he had promised to undertake this office.