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Updated: August 20, 2024

"Save what we need!" he iterated and reiterated, bellowing to make himself heard. "What we can use now canned stuff, tools, clothes! This lumber'll come back on the next tide." He seemed to keep a supervising eye on all of them; for his voice, shouting individual orders, boomed constantly over the crash of the waves.

"A tune much iterated has the ridiculous effect of making the words in my mind perform a sort of minuet to keep time an effect hardly tolerable, I imagine, after boyhood. As to the grander forms of music, worthy to accompany solemn celebrations, and even to serve as an educating influence according to the ancient conception, I say nothing, for with these we are not immediately concerned."

BALANCE. Love truly conjugal is like a balance in which the inclinations for iterated marriages are made, 318. The mind is kept balancing to another marriage, according to the degree of love in which it was principled in the former marriage, 318. BANK of roses, 8, 294. BATS, in the spiritual world, are correspondences and consequent appearances of the thoughts of confirmators, 233.

Her lined face was a mirror of distress. "But that's impossible. She must tell. What has Father ever done to hurt her?" "I I don't know anything about it," the harassed woman iterated. "What's the use of saying that when we know you do? And you'll not get out of it by sobbing. You've got to talk." Kate had not moved.

Have I your permission so far to deviate from the route of your journey?" "My ample and full permission," answered the younger lady. "Cousin," said the Lady Hameline, "I believe with you that the youth means us well but bethink you we transgress the instructions of King Louis, so positively iterated." "And why should we regard his instructions?" said the Lady Isabelle.

Miriam had repeated it again and again, and his clear memory retained every syllable, for he had unweariedly iterated it to himself during his solitary walk to Tanis. He was striving to do the same thing now but, ere he could finish, his mind always reverted to thoughts of Kasana.

Maidstone continued, " not a penny more till I'm sure you're an honest boy." "Thank you, sir," iterated Clare. "Please may I run home first? I won't be long. I 'ain't got any other clothes, but " "Hold your long tongue. Don't let me hear it wagging in my establishment. Go and wash your face and hands." Clare turned to the baker.

The vital import of this interview lies in the great stress Gen'l Darrington placed upon the statement he iterated and reiterated; that he had disinherited his daughter, and drawn up a will bequeathing his entire estate to his step-son Prince.

Doctrines and designs which a few years since could find no mouthpiece out of a bar-room, or the piratical den of a filibuster, are now clothed with power by the authentic response of the bench of our highest judicatory, and obsequiously iterated from the oracular recesses of the National Palace.

Punch woke up with a start to find that it was broad daylight, for the sun was up, the goats on the valley-side were bleating, and a loud musical bell was giving forth its constantly iterated sounds.

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