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Updated: August 2, 2024

If they take me to pawn with my lore in my pouch, * With my volumes to read and my ink-case to write, For one day's provision they never could pledge me; * As likely on Doomsday to draw bill at sight:" How poorly, indeed, doth it fare wi' the poor, * With his pauper existence and beggarly plight: In summer he faileth provision to find; * In winter the fire-pot's his only delight: The street-dogs with bite and with bark to him rise, * And each losel receives him with bark and with bite: If he lift up his voice and complain of his wrong, * None pities or heeds him, however he's right; And when sorrows and evils like these he must brave * His happiest homestead were down in the grave."

No living wight is he, yet, in honour he abides; * Nor dead yet he deserveth that Allah him assain." 'Two vests in one; blood flowing easiest wise; * Rosy red ears and mouth wide open lies; It hath a cock-like form, its belly pecks * And, if you price it, half a dirham buys." She replied, "The ink-case." Quoth he, "And in these,

Indeed, we write him but to the intent that his presumption may be cut off and his fear magnified." And she ceased not craftily to persuade her, till she called for ink-case and paper and wrote him these couplets, I verily will counsel thee with rede the best to hear: * Cut short this course ere come thou nigh sore risk, nay death, to dree!

So the Caliph took ink-case and reed-pen and wrote as follows, "In the name of Allah, the Compassionating, the Compassionate! The bearer of these presents is Nur al-Din Ali, son of Fazl bin Khakan the Wazir. As soon as they come to thy hand divest thyself forthright of the kingly dignity and invest him therewith; so oppose not my commandment and peace be with thee."

"I'll trouble you to do the writin'," said Tilda, laying a sheet of paper before Sam after she had chosen a pen and unsnapped the ink-case. "Why not Mortimer?" he protested feebly. "I wouldn' make Arguin' a 'abit, if I was you." Sam collapsed and took the pen from her, after eyeing the palms of his hands as though he had a mind to spit on them.

But an hour of cool reflection is a great matter when employed in weighing the comparative evil of two measures to neither of which we are internally partial. Lawyer Clippurse found his patron involved in a deep study, which he was too respectful to disturb, otherwise than by producing his paper and leathern ink-case, as prepared to minute his honour's commands.

"And will these words cause him to abstain from his offending?" asked the Princess; and the old woman answered, "How should he not abstain? Besides, I will talk with him and tell him what hath passed." So the Princess called for ink-case and paper and wrote these couplets, "To win our favours still thy hopes are bent; * And still to win thy will art confident!

'Now, continued Facey, poking into the table-drawer and producing a dirty scrap of paper, with a little pocket ink-case, 'if you'll give me an "I.O.U.," we'll shut up shop. 'An "I.O.U.!" retorted Sponge, looking virtuously indignant. 'An "I.O.U.!" I'll give you your money i' the mornin'.

He had taken a shagreen ink-bottle and a cordwain pocket-book from his pocket; he had extracted from his pocket-book a parchment folded four times, old, stained, and yellow; he had opened the sheet, taken a pen out of his ink-case, placed the pocket-book flat on his knee, and the parchment on the pocket-book; and by the rays of the lantern, which was lighting the cook, he set to writing on the back of the parchment.

But an hour of cool reflection is a great matter, when employed in weighing the comparative evil of two measures, to neither of which we are internally partial. Lawyer Clippurse found his patron involved in a deep study, which he was too respectful to disturb, otherwise than by producing his paper and leathern ink-case, as prepared to minute his honour's commands.

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