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"Ye can easy see how it is," says Sandy. "The ba' strack him a yark on the kut." There was mair lauchin', an' I saw Sandy was gettin' raised. "Is't l b w., ye stewpid auld bloit?" said the impident little wisgan o' a captain, stickin' himsel' up afore Sandy.

But neither the coaxing tone nor the touch of the soft clinging arms, which the girl now wound about him, moved Peter's heart. "Out o' this them Clancys goes, bag and baggage," he asserted; "if ye'd wanted me to let them stay where they were, an' them owin' me so much rent an' all, ye ought to have behaved different. But on account of this impident young sckamer ye go tellin' me ye won't marry Mr.

We call it Silver's Theayter. You know that, sure!" "Silver's Theatre so 'twas, A gut betune two hills, as black as a bucket, an' as thin as a girl's waist. There was over-many Paythans for our convaynience in the gut, an' begad they called thimselves a Reserve bein' impident by natur! Our Scotchies an' lashins av Gurkys was poundin' into some Paythan rig'mints, I think 'twas.

Timson's heart was set on it as well as his head. An' mine got to be. But I wasn't even second or third under him I was only one of a lot. He would have thought me fine an' impident if I'd told him I'd got to know a good deal of what he knew and had some bits of ideas of my own."

"Shucks!" cried Absalom, unfilially; "ye'd aheap better be a-studyin' 'bout'n my good now 'n whenst I war a baby a-givin' away my child ter them Quimbeys; a-h'istin' him out'n the winder!" She was glad to retort that he was "impident," and to take refuge in an aggrieved silence, as many another mother has done when outmatched by logic.

The girl had done her no wrong, and she had had her desire upon her: she had defeated her, and was triumphant; yet this was how she talked of her to her own inner ear: "The impident limmer! makin' up til a gentleman like oor laird 'at is to be!

A gut betune two hills, as black as a bucket, an' as thin as a girl's waist. There was over-many Paythans for our convaynience in the gut, an' begad they called thimselves a Reserve bein' impident by nature! Our Scotchies an' lashins av Gurkeys was poundin' into some Paythan rig'mints, I think 'twas.

New faces passed faces of workmen sometimes grinning, "impident youngsters," who larked with the young women, and called out to them as they passed their cottages, if a good-looking one was loitering about her garden gate. Old Doby chuckled at their love-making chaff, remembering dimly that seventy years ago he had been just as proper a young chap, and had made love in the same way.

"At this the feller loox at me for a momint with his cheex blown out like a bladder, and then busts out in a reglar guffau! the porter jined in it, the impident old raskle: and Thomas says, slapping his and on his thy, without the least respect I say, Huffy, old boy! ISN'T this a good un? "'Wadyermean, you infunnle scoundrel, says I, 'hollaring and laffing at me?

'Well, why ain't you getting that flogging eh, sir? No impidence, now just tell me, why ain't you being flogged? You ought to be in the middle of it now! 'Well, you see, said Mark, 'he's one of my boys 'I don't care whose boy he is, said the other, testily; 'he's an impident fellow, sir. 'I don't think he is, really, said Mark. 'D'ye know what he did, then?