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Updated: July 31, 2024

Then, with a sigh of relief, he turned his face toward the canvas wall of the tent, saying quietly: "Now I will go to sleep." But Hosea laid his hand on his shoulder, exclaiming imperiously: "Say it again." The youth obeyed, but this time he repeated the words in a low, careless tone, then saying beseechingly: "Let me rest now," put his hand under his cheek and closed his eyes.

"Lest they go on without us," he added. Momus turned suddenly and gazed at Aquila. Then he imperiously signed the pagan to fall back. They rode on. The pagan slackened his horse's gallop and reined in beside the woman. They talked together, argumentatively, for a single tense minute and then Aquila, with a bitter word, put spurs to his animal and dashed up beside Laodice's camel.

Approaching it they saw it was covered with dust, which they brushed away; and if they were astonished before, now they gazed with speechless wonder at the curiosity before them, that threw back the light that fell full upon it, in flashing rays, dazzling the eyes of the beholders. "The fire stones! Touch them not!" cried the chief, waving the rest back with his hand imperiously.

And so, a very few minutes later, Claire de Wissant and Commander Dupré were left alone together alone, that is, save for fifty inquisitive, if kindly, pairs of eyes which saw them from every part of the bay. At last she held out her hand. "Good-bye, then, till to-morrow," she said, her voice so low as to be almost inaudible. "No, not good-bye yet!" he cried imperiously.

Several of the chiefs had proposed deep and treacherous schemes to surprise the Delawares and, by gaining possession of their camp, to recover their prisoners by the same blow; for all agreed that their honor, their interests, and the peace and happiness of their dead countrymen, imperiously required them speedily to immolate some victims to their revenge.

Her humors varied ten times a day. Generally she spoke abruptly and imperiously, addressing her mother as though she were Rosalie, and constantly plaguing her with the pettiest demands, ever impatient and loud in complaint. "Give me a drink. What a time you take! I am left here dying of thirst!" And when Helene handed the glass to her she would exclaim: "There's no sugar in it; I won't have it!"

He was up betimes, careering about the garden with all his sisters after him, imperiously ordering them about, but nevertheless bewitching them all, so that Amoretta was in ecstasies at her own preferment, scarcely realising that it would divide her from the others; while Letty made sure that she should soon follow, and Fidelia gravely said, "I shall always know you are loving me still, Amy, as Nurse Rolfe does."

He had obeyed her majesty's orders, he said, and had been called imperiously to account for it, and threatened violently by Leicester, and he wished now to know whether Leicester was king or her majesty queen. Elizabeth was very much displeased with the conduct of her favorite.

"We'll see who gets there first," she said to Wilfrid, and the company learnt that Wilfrid was going to other head-quarters on special business, whereupon there followed chatter and exclamations. Wilfrid quickly explained that his father's condition called him away imperiously. To Adela and Mrs. Chump, demanding peculiar personal explanations, he gave reassuring reasons separately, aside. Mrs.

The faithful fellow gazed beseechingly into his master's face, and modestly entreated him to remember the pain from which he had scarcely recovered; but the Emperor imperiously commanded, "The shoes!" and the servant brought them and cautiously, with grave anxiety, fitted the low-cut violet satin shoes on his feet.

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