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Poll, however, declined to notice the recognition, but renewed the discourse "Why, Darby, how did the lump come into your stomach? Faith, in these hard times, there's many a poor divel would be glad to have such a complaint eh?" "And, is it possible you didn't hear it?" he asked with surprise, "howandever, you shall. I was carrying a letther from Mr.

Howandever, I'm sufferin' for it, but sure you know, Poll, it's our duty I don't mane yours, for you're a hathen and idolather still but mine; it's my duty to suffer for the thruth, anyhow."

"Thank you, Frank," replied Mogue, "oh, then, bad cess to it for a dirty mist God pardon me for cursin' the poor mist though, for sure it wasn't it's fault, the crathur of a mist we oughn't to curse anything that God has made, but indeed I'm a great sinner that way, God forgive me; howandever as I was sayin', only for it afther all, Mr.

Indeed they would have done this long ago, only that they could never get as much together as would pay the priest. Howandever, Larry spoke to his brother, who was a sober, industrious boy, that had laid by his scollops for the windy-day,* and tould him that Sally Lowry and himself were going to yoke for life.

Ireland sober is Ireland free. And then an old fellow starts blowing into his bagpipes and all the gougers shuffling their feet to the tune the old cow died of. And one or two sky pilots having an eye around that there was no goings on with the females, hitting below the belt. So howandever, as I was saying, the old dog seeing the tin was empty starts mousing around by Joe and me.

Spriggins became very confidential and lowered his voice almost to a whisper, then, no doubt bethinking himself of the importance of the subject added: "Howandever its no matter here nor there, so as I was a sayin', the young missis came right over and I had to say sumthin', so I ups and tells her where I had bin and you never seed anyone more delighted.

"Very well, then, Mogue," replied his companion, "so be it; you are, as I said, my guide for the day." "But do you know, sir, why he was called Shaun Bernha?" "No, I can't say I do." "It was odd enough, to be sure. Howandever, may I be happy but they say it's true!

"Then you have told me a falsehood with respect to his fatigue?" "He put me up to it, miss; and bid me say it; howandever my mind wasn't aisy undher it; and now you know the truth." "And does he blacken his face as well as the other Whiteboys?" "That hurt or harm may never come near me but he does that same; I have it from them that seen him and knew him, in spite o' black face an' all."