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My time in hoeing, fighting weeds, etc., is put in at five days: it may have been a little more. Nor have I put in anything for cooling drinks while hoeing. I leave this out from principle, because I always recommend water to others. I had some difficulty in fixing the rate of my own wages.

"Emily Warren, does thee know that thy mother Eve made trouble in a garden?" "I've not the least intention of taking Mr. Morton out of the garden. He may go back at once, and I have already suggested that you would give him plenty of hoeing and weeding there." "I'm not so sure about that; I fear he'd make the same havoc in my garden that I'd make in his newspaper."

Ellen had thought it was because Bet, the mare, could not be spared all day from the ploughing nor Peter from hoeing the garden, and her mother was too busy with the plaid gingham dress she was making for the minister's wife, to do any baking.

Bryce, it must be confessed, felt a little disappointed that he had seen no active service; but they were all happy in their work and the Harding place bade fair to be one of the most profitable farms in the township that year. The boys labored well and after the second corn hoeing in August the work was so far along that Enoch was able to accompany 'Siah Bolderwood on a hunting trip.

And when the hoeing, weeding and haying were done, the farmers dug meadow-muck for compost. Ready and willing as I was to try my hand at whatever came along, I went into the meadow and followed the plough with a bogging hoe, and one day tried digging muck but the chief of the group thought the labor was too heavy for me; I would have to wait until I grew stronger.

It was a mercy that the Germans set prisoners to grading roads, to hoeing and harvesting, retrieving thus a little of the wastage of war. Or was it only the bland insistence that conditions were luxurious that one objected to? not that they were really bad.

Hoeing potatoes is a calm, serene, dignified, and philosophical enterprise. But at bottom it is much the same in principle as teaching school. In my potato-patch I am merely trying to create situations that are favorable to growth, and in the school I can do neither more nor better. I cannot cause either boys or potatoes to grow. If I could, I'd certainly have the process patented.

"It is a good thing to do well anything you undertake, whether it be rowing or anything else." "James thinks I don't need to row for exercise." "Why not?" "He thinks I shall get enough exercise in hoeing potatoes," answered Herbert, with a smile. "It wouldn't do him any harm to get exercise in the same way." "The very idea would shock him." At five o'clock Mr. Cameron knocked at the door of Mrs.

It was a singular experience that long acquaintance which I cultivated with beans, what with planting, and hoeing, and harvesting, and threshing, and picking over and selling them the last was the hardest of all I might add eating, for I did taste. I was determined to know beans.

"Well, you see, really it's this way: he sells something to boil in other people's pots so he can have something to boil in ours, he says. It's stuff from the garden, you know. We raise it to sell. Poor Jack and he does hate it so!" David nodded sympathetically. "I know and it must be awful, just hoeing and weeding all the time."