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He broke a pane of glass, the pieces of which fell clanking into the courtyard below. He shouted with increasing hoarseness, "The governor, the governor!" This excess lasted fully an hour, during which time he was in a burning fever.

Weir the tavern-keeper said she was "worth hundreds" to him. But she grew pale, her eyes became peculiarly brilliant, her voice took a lower key, and lost a kind of hoarseness it had in the past. Men came in at times merely to have a joke at her expense, having heard of her new life; but they failed to enjoy their own attempts at humour.

He tells me that our Mr. Turner has seen the proclamation against the Duke of Buckingham, and that therefore it is true what we heard last night. Yesterday and to-day I have been troubled with a hoarseness through cold that I could not almost speak. 11th.

He stood some distance from the Chair and on a line with it, so that he was compelled to face the audience instead of the Speaker, and to pitch his voice to a key that could be heard throughout the length of the hall and the crowded galleries, and an occasional hoarseness, the result of overstraining, was apparent during his speech.

Sometimes there is an elongated sinuous film which has been likened to the track of a snail. In the larynx the presence of congestion, œdema, and mucous patches may be the cause of persistent hoarseness.

They were the first words I heard that morning, and their friendly hoarseness brushed away whatever of doubt might seem to mar the inexplicability of my new glow of my happiness. It was because we were safe she and I and because my undisturbed love let my heart open to the beauty of the young day and the joyousness of a splendid sea.

Then the girl answered firmly, but with a slight hoarseness in her voice, and in a tone hardly louder than a whisper: "You know I can't do that!" "I don't!" blustered Winthrop. "Why not?" "Because," said the girl steadily, "of what I did in Geneva." As though the answer was the one he had feared, the man exclaimed sharply, rebelliously. "Nonsense!" he cried. "You didn't know what you were doing.

He tells me that our Mr. Turner has seen the proclamation against the Duke of Buckingham, and that therefore it is true what we heard last night. Yesterday and to-day I have been troubled with a hoarseness through cold that I could not almost speak. 11th.

During the day his hoarseness increased, but he made light of it, and paid no heed to the suggestion that he should take something for it, only replying, as was his custom, that he would 'let it go as it came." Mrs. Washington went upstairs to a room on the floor above to chat with Mrs.

Every hotel door was like the vent to a hive black with comers and goers. The old man with the cough medicine met them again. They could repeat his singsong cry now, and with a little impulse of fun-making Ida joined in with him: "Doc-ter Fergusson's double-ex selly-brated, Philadelphia cough drops, for coughs or colds, sore throat or hoarseness; five cents a package."