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"Willem will kill a buffalo, and insist on our staying to eat it." "Very likely," said Hendrik; "but I don't see why he should have all the sport to himself." Leaping into their saddles Hendrik and Arend rode after Willem, and were followed by two of the Makololo mounted on oxen. The patient and philosophical Hans remained behind, to await their return.

"Captain Barry, when dot launch I had comes back from dot gunboat, we schall sail. Mister Leedle has agreed to go back to the station unt take charge until Mister Gordon returns, unt he takes dot launch unt some navy mans to stay mit him in case dose leedle brown mans ouf Leyden's make more bodder. So now mine boy Hendrik schall tell you somedings, yes?" Barry kept silent, merely nodding.

He preferred his Berkshire place, however, and, letting the big place to an American of the name of Hendrik K. Boulge, he went back to his first home. When he got there he thought of the old wood, and went out to look at it. The palings were mended, but they were covered all over with tar!

No wonder the poor brutes were annoyed. Von Bloom suggested that they should drive the horses farther out into the plain, where these flies did not seem to haunt. He was only concerned about the annoyance which the horses received from them. Hendrik also pitied their sufferings; but Hans, alone of all the three, guessed at the truth.

In fact, it presented the appearance of a vast sheep-pen; so vast, that as far as their sight extended, they beheld the same tracked and trampled appearance! What could this mean? Hendrik did not know. Von Bloom was in doubt. Swartboy could tell at the first glance. It was no new sight to him. "All right, baas," he said, looking up in his master's face.

They rolled themselves up in their karosses, and lay down upon the earth. Hendrik and Swartboy were soon asleep. Von Bloom would have slept too, for he was tired enough; but the heart of the father was too full of anxiety to allow repose to his eyes, and he lay awake watching for the dawn. It came at length, and at the first light his eyes swept the surface of the surrounding country.

At my age memories are sufficient. But material interests must be attended to, so if you decline well, I am still eligible and hearty. Do you see the point?" "No, what is it?" "It is a sound title to the inheritance of the departed Hendrik Brant.

Since every artist is different, good paintings, true paintings, are original." "True?" "Yeah, true to the artist's feelings," Hendrik said. "True," Patrick said, turning the word over in his mind. "It's not so easy. What the hell, I'll show you." Hendrik got up and led Patrick to his studio.

"Do you remember the night you were under the baobab-tree, dodging the borele?" asked Hendrik. "Say no more," answered Arend. "If you wish it I am willing to go on." Swartboy was sent back to the camp to join Hans, while the Kaffir and Spoor'em led the way. Under the direction of Hendrik they soon came to the place where Willem had been last seen. There were no signs of him anywhere.

Hans and Hendrik were also to fire blank shots on discovering themselves, and by this means the desired panic would be produced. The whole scheme was well contrived, and succeeded admirably. The herd appeared filing over the plain, just as on the preceding days. Von Bloom announced their approach to the three in ambush, by repeating in a subdued tone the words, "Quaggas are coming!"