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Updated: August 8, 2024

He had proof, he said, and he called for the president of his Union, Mr. Heegan. At the name all the loafers and stew-bums in the court-room stomped and said, 'Hear, hear, while up steps this Napoleon of the Hoboes. "Sure, he knew Mr. Murdock had known him for years, and he was perfectly reliable and honest.

And something we didn't come for," answered Billie, while the color flooded her face and she felt like a criminal. She smiled a wry little smile and displayed the newspaper package. "Meanin' " Mr. Heegan began, puzzled. "I I broke a statue that was on the bookcase," explained Billie. "We were skylarking " "And many's the time I've done the same in my day," said Mr.

"Next mornin' the strike was called, and the guy that breathed treachery and walk-outs was one 'Oily' Heegan, further submerged under the titles of President of the Federation of Fresh Water Firemen; also Chairman of the United Water-front Workmen, which last takes in everything doin' business along the river except the wharf-rats and typhoid germs, and it's with the disreputableness of this party that I infected myself to the detriment of labour and the triumph of the law.

And it was given to Miss Beggs by a rich uncle." "Well, all I have to say is, that any one who would spend a hundred dollars on a statue," said Mr. Heegan, "deserves to have it broken on him." And having delivered himself of this surprising comment, the janitor saluted and ambled off into the school yard, leaving the girls to look after him with laughing eyes.

"We found him, a big mouthed, shifty, kind of man, 'bout as cynical lookin' in the face as a black bass, and full of wind as a toad fish. I exchanged drinks for principles of socialism, and doin' so happened to display my roll. Murdock slipped away and made talk with a friend, then, when Heegan had left, he steers me out the back way into an alley.

The unions are hungry and scrapping among themselves, and the men want to go back to work. It's just that devil of a Heegan that holds 'em. If they see we've got a tug crew that'll go, they'll arbitrate, and we'll kill the strike. "'Yes, sir! says Collins, 'but where's the tug crew, Mr. Badrich? "'Right here! We three, and Murphy, the bookkeeper. Blast this idleness! I want to fight.

Heegan assured them, leading the way into the school yard and pulling out his bunch of keys. "It must be a verra important book," he added, smiling at them as he fitted the key in the lock, "to be bringing you back to school after school's out." "It was a gift from Father," Laura explained. "And I wouldn't lose it for anything."

"'For God's sake, lemme up, says Heegan, splashin' along and look-in' strangly. I hauls him in where he wouldn't miss any of my ironies, and says: "'I just can't do it, Oily it's wash day. You're plumb nasty with boycotts and picketin's and compulsory arbitrations. I'm goin' to clean you up, and I sozzled him under like a wet shirt. "I drug him out again and continues:

"Then, as the delegation murmured angrily, he held up his hand and, in the ensuing silence, said: ""Boys, the strike's over. Mr. Heegan has arbitrated."" Bailey smoked morosely as he scanned the dusty trail leading down across the "bottom" and away over the dry grey prairie toward the hazy mountains in the west.

As to his robbing me, it was preposterous, because he himself was at the other end of the alley and saw the whole thing, just as Mr. Murdock related it. "I jumps up. 'You're a liar, Heegan. I was buyin' booze for the two of you; but a policeman nailed me, chokin' off my rhetorics. Mr. Heegan leans over and whispers to the Judge, while I got chilblains along my spine.

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