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And rent by means of that celestial weapon, that Rakshasa fell on the field of battle like a huge tree with spreading branches suddenly consumed by heaven's thunderbolt. And beholding Kumbhakarna endued with great activity and resembling the Asura Vritra himself, deprived of life and prostrated on the field of battle, the Rakshasa warriors fled in fear.

He was going to pass from the narrow and gloomy ante-chamber into an inner room whence now proceeded a sound of loud coughing when the old woman laid her hand on his arm, and raising herself on tip-toe, to reach his ear, whispered: "For Heaven's sake, sir, since you are his friend, do talk to him: do tell him to make his will, and hint something about a soul to be saved, and all that sort of thing: do, sir!"

Out of the starry flags and the emblazoned insignia of this world God will make a path for His own triumph, and, returning from universal conquest, He will sit down, the grandest, strongest, highest throne of earth His footstool. "Then shall all nations' song ascend To Thee, our Ruler, Father, Friend, Till heaven's high arch resounds again With 'Peace on earth, good will to men."

We are ever giving to our days the credit and blame of all we do and mis-do, forgetting those silent, glimmering hours when plans and sometimes plots are laid; when resolutions are formed or changed; when heaven, and sometimes heaven's enemies, are invoked; when anger and evil thoughts are recalled, and sometimes hate made to inflame and fester; when problems are solved, riddles guessed, and things made apparent in the dark, which day refused to reveal.

She waited till he had come to a suitable stopping place, and then, before he could renew the melody, she rapped with nervous force upon the fence. There fell a most unexpected silence. She broke it with words imploring, almost agonised. "Nick! Nick! Come and speak to me for Heaven's sake!" His flippant voice greeted her at once in a tone of cheerful inquiry. "That you, Muriel?"

Then a look of satisfaction came into his eyes and he smiled happily. Next his look changed to a nasty look of determination, and he abruptly got up, tossing a bank-note on the table which Old Meg grabbed with avidity, calling down Heaven's blessings on the handsome gentleman until Paul, running up-stairs, could hear no more.

Jervase rose and shook his son by both shoulders in a frenzy. 'Look here, Polly, look here. Listen. 'I am listening, father. 'Then look as if you was listening for Heaven's sake! I'm worth half a million, if I'm worth a penny. I never owned to it before, but if it isn't true God strike me dead. Outside that salt mine, I've been an honest man. You won't believe it, but I have.

For heaven's sake, Bowen Tyler!" It was he. My search was ended. Around me were all my company and the man we had searched a new world to find.

"I am going to America, because there I can work and be respected, too, while here, according to your code, I cannot." "Then, for Heaven's sake, go decently, and not herd with a lot of cattle, for emigrants are little better; and do not make yourself a spectacle for the other passengers to gaze upon and wonder about, as they will be sure to do.

"And now, dame, for Heaven's sake, light the fire. As for the rent, John, do not waste this trifle on that," whispered Vivian, slipping his purse into his hand, "for I will see Stapylton Toad, and get time. Why, woman, you'll never strike a light, if your tears drop so fast into the tinder-box. Here, give it me. You are not fit to work to-day.