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The propinquity of Woodward and the other small towns to Wilkes-Barre saved them from suffering the effects of a close-down. The Magnates did not desire to have the scenes of distress brought too near their own homes. So Hazleton and the outlying districts were selected to be sacrificed to the arbitrary coal famine.

As we pulled up before the door of the reconstructed stable- studio, Kennedy jumped out. The door was unlocked. Up the broad flight of stairs, Hazleton went two at a time. We followed him closely. Lying on the divan in the room that had been the scene of so many orgies, locked in each other's arms, were two figures Veronica Haversham and Dr. Maudsley.

"And," Leland added, a little more sharply, "I want you to know also that there is a woman here, a Miss Hazleton, whom we don't know anything about excepting that she went to Shandon's last night, and after her talk with him he rushed out to Garth demanding to be told about the mortgage. Just where she fits in I don't know. She might be anything from a chorus girl to a Reno widow."

Before he could frame the name, "Veronica!" he had recoiled. The two were cold and rigid. "An overdose of heroin this time," muttered Kennedy. My head was in a whirl. Hazleton stared blankly at the two figures abjectly lying before him, as the truth burned itself indelibly into his soul. He covered his face with his hands. And still he saw it all. Craig said nothing.

Hazleton said to me when the store was about to close, that he had no further use for me. Not discouraged, I found another place; but I believe that my evil genius found me out and that through him I was again ousted from that situation and now I am at my wits end." "But, Charley, were you not sailing under false colors?" "I do not think so, Mr. Thompson.

Chamberlain tries to force the Transvaal to submit, he may find that he has to reckon with these three powerful countries as well as the handful of Dutchmen in the South African Republic. A terrible tragedy has occurred in Pennsylvania at a place called Hazleton, about twenty-five miles from Wilkesbarre. Some miners were shot and killed by order of the sheriff of the county.

I have since learned to pity them." "I don't see what you find to pity in Mr. Hazleton, unless it is his meanness." "Well, I pity him for that. I think there never was slave more cowed under the whip of his master than he is under the lash of public opinion. The Negro was not the only one whom slavery subdued to the pliancy of submission.

After the success of the Hazleton and Long Divide concern, he says they're disposed to regard British Columbian ventures favorably yonder. If it goes through, I'd have to take most of the vendor's payment in shares, which I'm quite ready to do. That's a rough sketch of the scheme, sir, but in the meanwhile it's only tentative."

I am sure she either saw or suspected that Kennedy had been touching the bottle of tablets, for there was a look of startled fear on her face. "Then you do not feel like continuing the tests we abandoned last night?" asked Kennedy, apparently not noticing her look. "No, I do not," she almost snapped. "You you are detectives. Mrs. Hazleton has sent you." "Indeed, Mrs.

A man counts upon that sort of thing. That little shrimp Conway is scared of his life and is for pulling out. I'm glad of it. He'll sell to me before he'll go to Shandon. Let Leland pull out, too. We'll take him over. I'm going to win, I tell you, Claire Hazleton! We're going to win, you and I. Win big!" There was no change in her cool eyes.