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Then we rode across their front and stopped them. In the parley which ensued, harsh words were passing, when one of our outfit blurted out in well feigned surprise, "Hello, who's that, coming over there?" A squad of men were riding leisurely through our abandoned herd, coming over to where the two outfits were disputing. "What's the trouble here, gents?" inquired Hames as he rode up.

Soon after the fall of Calais, De Rosne had seized the castles of Guynes and Hames, while De Mexia laid siege to the important stronghold of Ardres. The garrison, commanded by Count Belin, was sufficiently numerous and well supplied to maintain the place until Henry, whose triumph at La Fere could hardly be much longer delayed, should come to its relief.

I ain't brought no sofy pillows, ner even a fire-screen to keep the sun from sp'ilin' yer complexion." Leighton smiled, but said nothing. They had reached the carryall, an old hickory structure sadly in need of paint. Hitched to it were two rangy bays. The harness was a piece of ingenious patchwork, fitted with hames instead of collars. Leighton stepped into the back seat, and Lewis followed.

Much as I love this place, it seems to me that I should love it still more if it came as quiet after a storm, a haven of rest after the battle of life." Then she spoke of Diana. "Hers is a wonderful character, and I often think how beautiful it is that she should follow your dear mother at Hames." "You feel that?" I said. "Very, very strongly, dear.

Letters had passed between Waynefleet and somebody in Victoria, and the day after he left for that city two men, who had evidently crossed him on the way, arrived at the ranch. One said his name was Hames, and his conversation suggested that he supposed the girl was acquainted with her father's affairs.

"You wonderful Nannie," I said later, as I sat at her feet, "how did you do it?" "Quite easily," said Nannie. "When I saw that you must go to Hames, as of course you had to, I thought to myself, I'll wait! Years ago my lady said to me, I Nannie, don't let my child throw away her own chance of happiness.

That gave me an idea! It came like a flash. Nannie should have her nursery! Of course this all happened some years ago, when the home at Hames was broken up. With the help of Diana I managed it beautifully. It was kept a dead secret.

We night herded as usual, but during the two middle guards, Hames sent out four of his Rangers to scout the immediate outlying country, though, as we expected, they met with no adventure. At daybreak the Bangers threw their packs into our wagon and their loose stock into our remuda, and riding up the trail a mile or more, left us, keeping well out of sight.

"I can't quite figure how that concerns you," he replied. "I'm not going to worry about it, any way." "I want that land the block you bought from Waynefleet." "It's not for sale," asserted Hames. "If you have nothing else to put before me, I'll get on. I'm busy this morning." Acton leaned forward in his chair.

Snatching up a big blacksnake whip that lay on the ground, she caught the hames, stretched along the horse's neck, and, for the first time, the fine, big fellow felt on his back the quality of the lash that Duncan was accustomed to crack over him. He was frightened, and ran at top speed.