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"Look at Lorna Doone's," said I; "and you would never look again at Sally's." "Oh Lorna Doone. Lorna Doone!" exclaimed our Annie half-frightened, yet clapping her hands with triumph, at having found me out so: "Lorna Doone is the lovely maiden, who has stolen poor somebody's heart so. Ah, I shall remember it; because it is so queer a name. But stop, I had better write it down.

We returned to the farm and found that in the few minutes we had been outside everything had been packed and half-frightened men were standing about for orders. The explanation of it all came later and was simple enough. The French, without letting us know, had attacked the Germans on our right, and the Germans to keep us engaged had made a feint attack upon us. So we went back to dinner.

She had barely started when there were steps on the stairs and a tap on the door. Before the half-frightened children could answer it was pushed open. Two men stood on the threshold. One wore a big fur overcoat. The baby looked at him in wide-eyed wonder. "Is you Santa Claus?" he asked.

It was only then she found courage to intimate, in a half-frightened way, that she had been thinking and wondering about her voice, and if she really could learn to sing. Roland flushed with delight to find the seed he had sown with so much doubt grown up to strength and ripeness. "My lovely one!" he answered, "you must go to London and have lessons; and I will take care of you.

Many and many a time they went to the spot where the large piece lay and looked at it with half-frightened eyes. They could not understand it. Where did it come from? Why did it come there? When would it go away? Did a spirit throw it, or was it itself a spirit? All these and many other odd thoughts came to them because of it; and this was one of the very best things that ever happened to either.

The idea that the dead often passed into trees is well illustrated in the classics. For example, Æneas, in his wanderings, strikes a tree, and is half-frightened out of his wits by a great spurt of blood.

One night a dead calm prevailed. The air became hot, clouds rose rapidly over the sky, and the barometer that faithful friend of the mariner fell unusually low. "How dreadfully dark it is getting," said Polly, in a low, half-frightened tone to Baldwin Burr, who was at the wheel. "We're going to have a night of it, my dear," replied the seaman.

Now that Death was really knocking, the half-gay, half-frightened defiance with which she walked the palace of life, one moment listening to the sounds at the gate, the next throwing herself passionately into the revelry within, revealed to the son a new fact about her a fact of poetry unutterably welcome. Even her fawning dependents, the Fullertons, ceased to annoy him.

He again walked up and down, dragging the half-frightened man along the deepening shadow of the factory wall. "You see it begins now in this field it begins. The legs and the feet of men, hundreds of legs and feet make a kind of music. Presently there will be thousands, hundreds of thousands. For a time men will cease to be individuals. They will become a mass, a moving all- powerful mass.

"Ha! he said that he turned pale; it is better than I expected?" cried the woman, eagerly. "Well, what else?" "Nothing more. He went out from the conservatory at once, leaving me standing there, half-frightened to death with the bouquet in my hand; but I turned it to account." "Well, how?"