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'He was Hob Hogward's herd boy, answered Anne, as composedly as she could. 'He hied him back to mind his sheep. Nor would Anne allow another word to be extracted from her ere the grey walls of the Priory of Greystone rose before her, and the lay Sister at the gate shrieked for joy at seeing her riding behind Archie. Yet nothing stern was she in cell, And the nuns loved their abbess well.

They were natives of the same county, and learnt their Latin together at the Grammar School of Greystone, the midland town which was missed by the steam highroad, and so preserves much of the beauty and tranquillity of days gone by. Rolfe seldom spoke of his own affairs, but in talking of travel he had been heard to mention that his father had engineered certain lines of foreign railway.

Certain of his college companions, men who had come to hold a place in the world's eye, were glad to turn aside from beaten tracks and smoke a pipe at Greystone with Basil Morton the quaint fellow who at a casual glance might pass for a Philistine, but was indeed something quite other. His wife had never left her native island.

Before going to Pinner, he wished to see Cecil Morphew, for he had an idea to communicate a suggestion for the extending of business by opening correspondence with out of the way towns, such as Greystone. On reaching the shop in Westminster Bridge Road, he found that Morphew also had a communication to make, and of a more exciting nature.

Why, Greystone here it has an interesting history, even in relation to England at large; and what a delight there would be in following it out, doggedly, invincibly making it one's single subject grubbing after it in muniment-rooms and libraries learning by heart every stone of the old town dying at last with the consolation that nobody could teach one anything more about it!

"Greystone Hall!" gasped Maggie, the little red spots coming out all over her neck and face "Greystone Hall! then you must be " "Judge Thornton, and your friend hereafter," answered the gentleman, offering his hand and bidding her good-by.

Basil Morton was one of three brothers, the youngest. His father, a corn-factor, assenting readily to his early inclination for the Church, sent him from Greystone Grammar-School to Cambridge, where Basil passed creditably through the routine, but in no way distinguished himself.

He has been well warned, and is a lad of his word; but the two bairns, left to themselves, could scarce help finding out that each was of gentle blood and breeding, and how much more my goodwife cannot tell. I took the maid back so soon as it was safe yester morn, and sent back my young lord, much against his will, half-way to Greystone.

For some miles, practically as far as the Croton River, the way is lined with the fine estates of the wealthy, some made notable by reason of their owners, as Greystone, the former home of Samuel J. Tilden. It is no uncommon thing to have some particularly fine lawn pointed out as the most perfect in the country.

Here and there the bogland showed a darker tint, and at his feet, cupped out in the smooth greystone, lay a sheet of water. It was dark and evil-looking, and every now and then a puff of wind eddied down from the hills and ruffled the smooth surface.