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'From Greystone Priory, wearily said the girl, who had her head down on Hob's shoulder, and seemed ready to fall asleep there. 'Her horse fell with her, and they were too bent on their sport to heed her, explained the boy, as he trudged along beside Hob and his charge, 'so she wandered on foot till by good hap I heard her moan.

Mother Dolly's eyes grew round. 'Mind thee, Hob! she said; 'I ken thy bark is worse than thy bite, but I would have thee to know that if aught befall the maid between this and Greystone, I shall hold thee and so will my Lady guilty of a foul deed. 'No fouler than was done on the stripling's father, muttered the shepherd. 'Get thee in, wife!

'She wonnes at Greystone with the wild Prioress Selby, who lost her out hawking. Her father is a black Yorkist. I saw him up to his stirrups in blood at St. Albans! 'But sure my boy did not make himself known to her? exclaimed the lady. 'I trow not.

'It is the end of suspense, said Mrs. Frothingham. 'No doubt, Harvey assented. A few days more and Mrs. Frothingham took Alma away into Hampshire. Little Hugh went with them, his mother strongly desiring it. As for Rolfe, he escaped to Greystone, to spend a week with Basil Morton before facing the miseries of the removal from Pinner to Gunnersbury. Part the Third

For a wonder, it was found the place at the Emigration Agency; and so, for a good many years, the notable Mr. Harvey Rolfe sank into a life of obscure routine. Again and again his sister Amy besought him to visit Greystone. Dr Harvey was breaking up; would he not see the kind old man once more?

When they were alone in the library at night, Morton spoke of his eldest boy, expressing some anxiety about him. 'The rascal will have to earn his living and how? There's time, I suppose, but it begins to fidget me. He won't handle corn I'm clear as to that. At his age, of course, all lads talk about voyages and so on, but Harry seems cut out for a larger sphere than Greystone. I shan't balk him.

When the air is clear, from the east window of Scarthey keep, the tall garden front of greystone is visible, in the extreme distance, against the darker screen of foliage; whitely glinting if the sun is high; golden or rosy at the end of day.

Her mother died of consumption; I am afraid Maggie will follow." "Poor girl, to die so young," sighed Mrs. Thornton, as she returned to her carriage and was driven back to Greystone Hall, where, in a recess of the window Graham sat, his arm around his wife, and his fingers playing with the curls of her golden hair.

Accordingly, for several weeks, the people of Ellerton were kept in a constant state of anxiety, watching, wondering and guessing, especially Miss Olivia Macey, who kept a small store in the outskirts of the village, and whose fertile imagination supplied whatever her neighbors lacked in actual knowledge of the proceedings at "Greystone Hall," as Judge Thornton called his place of residence.

It was situated on the high lands to the north of the city, a little this side of Greystone, overlooking that magnificent stream, the Hudson, the ever-varying beauties of which so few of the residents along its banks really appreciate.