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Philippa's admiration of them was like a new-pressed grape-juice after a draught of the ripe vintage. Moreover, Bobby was difficult: the rejected of his English schools was a stiff Ormont at lessons, a wheezy Benlew in the playground: exactly the reverse of what should have been.

Stuffed cucumbers, figs, olives, pomegranates, and what, for want of a better name, I call "congealed grape-juice," all these were placed before me when in the early evening they aided my guide in serving supper. We spent little over four hours in the saddle to-day, so I am not wearied, and I can give interested attention to the surroundings. And there is much to interest me here.

"'Fo' de Lawd! he say, 'dat mule drunk! he be'n drinkin' de wine. En sho' 'nuff, de mule had pas' right by de tub er fraish grape-juice en push' de kiver off'n de bairl, en drunk two er th'ee gallon er de wine w'at had been stan'in' long ernough fer ter begin ter git sha'p. "De darkies all made a great 'miration 'bout de mule gittin' drunk. Dey never had n' seed nuffin lack it in dey bawn days.

And they sat under the flapdoodle-trees, and let the flapdoodle drop into their mouths; and under the vines, and squeezed the grape-juice down their throats; and, if any little pigs ran about ready roasted, crying, "Come and eat me," as was their fashion in that country, they waited till the pigs ran against their mouths, and then took a bite, and were content, just as so many oysters would have been.

Longworth's means stood ready to pay cash, at the rate of from a dollar to a dollar and a quarter a gallon, for all the grape-juice that might be brought to him, without reference to the quantity.

Bring the guns from Bethlehem, by way of old New York; Bring the beans from Boston, and don't leave out the pork; Bring a load of soda-pop and pull the grape-juice cork While we are canning the Kaiser. Come you men from Dixieland, you lumberjacks of Maine; Come you Texas cowboys, and you farmers of the plain; Florida to Oregon, we boast the Yankee strain While we are canning the Kaiser.

Her white feet trod the huge press at which wise Omar sits, till the seething grape-juice rose round her bare limbs in waves of purple bubbles, or crawled in red foam over the vat's black, dripping, sloping sides. It was an extraordinary improvisation.

If I judge correctly from the journals that reach me, that during my near three years' absence, its status, unlike renowned grape-juice, has neither dissipated or improved by lapse of time, and that lynching and disfranchisement still have the right of way.

Jock McChesney, bright-eyed, clear-skinned, steady of hand, stood up well under the satisfied scrutiny of his adoring mother. He smiled down at her. "Wanted to surprise you. Here for three reasons the Abbott Grape-juice advertising contract, you, and Grace. And why can't you make a fuss over me, I'd like to know?" Emma told him. His keen, quick mind required little in the way of explanation.

So I fell to the ground on my face, having no strength left in me for famine and thirst. Then we waited awhile and presently returning thither, found that the sun had wroughten on the grape-juice and it was become wine.