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"I dare say it was," answered Gowan, regarding her sleep-flushed cheeks and exquisite eyes with the pleasure he always felt in any beauty, animate or inanimate. "May I sit here, Mollie?" and then he looked at her again and decided that he was quite right in speaking to her as he would have spoken to a child, because she was such a very child. "By me, on the sofa?" she answered. "Oh, yes."

"Where are you going?" asked Gowan. "To the Bank! To the Bank!" It was as if Revolutionary Paris were yelling, "A la lanterne! a la lanterne!" Again O'Grady saw the Nine in conference. Again he heard their voices. "There's nobody here," said Holbrook, making, to do him justice, his first and only suggestion; "send East." "There's nobody here," said Gibbons, oh, how Little O'Grady hated him now!

She knew, or knew of, this Mrs Gowan before yesterday, and she may as well admit that she did. 'My child, said Mr Dorrit, turning to his younger daughter, 'has your sister any ha authority for this curious statement?

The two elder children seemed to have left school for good; we heard later that Gowan had arranged matters with the authorities, stating that he meant to take the family back to America with him, or at any rate to find them a home elsewhere should he make a lengthy stay in Scotland. Things had gone on thus for three weeks before Val alluded to Gowan, or anything connected with him.

"But they'll break down the door, my lady." "Let them," said Lady Gowan coolly. But she started as one of the narrow side windows was shivered by the butt of a musket, and the fragments of glass fell inside with a tinkling sound. "That's right; now reach in and shoot back the bolts."

"Ah!" cried Frank, with his heart giving a tremendous bound, while Sir Robert unlocked and flung open the door, and clasped his wife to his breast. Lady Gowan was half swooning and speechless from excitement; but, making a brave effort, she recovered herself, and panted out as she struggled to free herself from her husband's firm arms: "Quick! Not a moment to lose. Escape for your life." "What!

She was just in time to seize the old housekeeper by the arm, while a hysterical crying came from the maid below. "Oh, my lady, my lady! They're going to break in. I was about to unfasten the door." "Silence! Touch it at your peril," cried Lady Gowan imperatively. "Let them break in if they dare. Go below to that foolish, sobbing girl, and stay there keeping her quiet."

But let me ask you this, my hot-blooded young friend suppose you had roused the soldiers into rising and rescuing Sir Robert Gowan, what then?" "It would have been a very gallant thing, sir," said Andrew haughtily. "Of course, very brave and dashing, but a recklessly impulsive act. What would have followed?"

"Rather not!" agreed Carmel. "Not for worlds!" said Gowan emphatically. White Magic

She pictured Dolly to him just as she had found her holding his letter in her hand, and she pictured her too as she had really been the night he watched her through the window, not staying because she cared for Gowan, but because circumstances had forced her to remain when she was longing in her own impetuous pretty way to fly to him, and give him the comfort he needed.