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Updated: August 23, 2024

Moi, aussi, je veux la gloire!" Her dark eyes flamed into passion, for a moment she looked almost beautiful. Adderley stared languidly at her as he would have stared at the heroine of an exciting scene on the stage, with indolent, yet critical interest. "Goblin incroyable!" he sighed "You are so new! so fresh!"

While this sanguinary, and yet mocking representation of warfare was going on, M. le Commandant was in full eloquence and prodigious gesticulation. "A la gloire, mes enfans!" was his constant cry. "Fight, mes braves! the honour of France demands it: the eyes of Europe of the world are turned upon you. Vive la Republique!"

Ou bien, s'il cherche la gloire, c'est en Angleterre qu'il faut aller. C'est l'Angleterre, ou la France il n'y a que ces deux pays en Europe dans le monde."

Lesbia sat by her affianced at the glittering table, lighted with clusters of wax candles, which shone upon a level parterre of tea roses, gardenias, and gloire de Malmaison carnations; from which rose at intervals groups of silver-gilt dolphins, supporting shallow golden dishes piled with peaches, grapes, and all the costliest produce of Covent Garden.

Il était un roi d'Yvetot Pen connu dans l'histoire, Se levant tard, se couchant tôt, Dormant fort bien sans gloire. The Frenchman took the merry monarch seriously, but the lilting melody pleased everybody except "Mr. Wood." The "Oh, Oh's" and "Ah, Ah's" of the chorus apparently stirred him to speech.

He was blinded by an unquenchable hatred of France, a hatred which has now ceased in England in consequence of the facility of intercourse, but which is revived in France against England by those who think la gloire preferable to peace and honour.

He attributed it to "le mépris de la gloire," and he set himself to define this quality and to impress it, with all the force of repetition, on the dulled consciences of his contemporaries. It is extremely difficult, it is well-nigh impossible, to find an equivalent in English for the word "gloire."

Friedrich, however, again checked his hand; and did not consummate till November-December. It is not now to Jordan that he writes, gayly unbosoming himself, as in the First War, poor Jordan lies languishing, these many months; consumptive, too evidently dying: Not to Jordan, this time; nor is the theme "GLOIRE" now, but a far different!

Laugh at me, if you please, for uttering what you may consider a foolish opinion, but I look upon it as a serious misfortune to them that the two words Gloire and Victoire rhyme together: they so constantly occur in that portion of their poetry which is the most popular, and the best calculated to excite them in a high degree their vaudeville songs that the two ideas they express have become identical in their minds; and he will deserve well of his country who shall discover the means of making glory rhyme to peace.

Ce prince, la gloire de l'Occident, avoit, par ses conquêtes et ses grandes qualités, attiré l'attention d'un homme qui remplissoit également l'Orient de sa renommée: c'étoit le célèbre calife Haroun-al-Raschild. Haroun, empressé de témoigner

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