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Updated: August 25, 2024

In the Gaelic tongue Glencoe signifies the Glen of Weeping; and in truth that pass is the most dreary and melancholy of all the Scottish passes, the very Valley of the Shadow of Death.

The secret of the good man's visit came out as he sat with them on the front steps afterward. "I fear that it will be a hot summer, ma'am," he had said to Mrs. Brice. "You should go to the country." "The heat agrees with me remarkably, Mr. Brinsmade," said the lady, smiling. "I have heard that Colonel Carvel wishes to rent his house at Glencoe," Mr. Brinsmade continued, "The figure is not high."

But Miss Virginia Carvel he had never seen since the night he had danced with her. This was because, after her return from the young ladies' school at Monticello, she had gone to Glencoe, Glencoe, magic spot, perched high on wooded highlands. And under these the Meramec, crystal pure, ran lightly on sand and pebble to her bridal with that turbid tyrant, the Father of Waters.

William contented himself with dismissing the Master from office. For this great fault, a fault amounting to a crime, Burnet tried to frame, not a defence, but an excuse. He would have us believe that the King, alarmed by finding how many persons had borne a part in the slaughter of Glencoe, thought it better to grant a general amnesty than to punish one massacre by another.

Her judgments were usually well founded, and her prophecies had so often come to pass that Anne often believed in them for no other reason. "How do you know?" said Anne, incredulously. "Do you remember that September, a year ago, when we were all out at Glencoe, and Judge Whipple was ill, and Virginia sent us all away and nursed him herself?" "Yes," said Anne. "And did you know that Mr.

On the 18th also a detachment was reported from Hadders Spruit, seven miles north of Glencoe Camp. The cloud was drifting up, and it could not be long before it would burst. Two days later, on the early morning of October 20th, the forces came at last into collision.

But Macdonald of Glencoe was prevented by accident, rather than design, from tendering his submission within the limited time.

If we could induce the Judge to go to Glencoe with you for the summer; I am sure it would be a relief for us all." He did not press the matter; but begged Stephen to call on him in a day or two, at the bank. "What do you think, Stephen," asked his mother, when Mr. Brinsmade was gone, Stephen did not reply at once. What, indeed, could he say?

"Go an workin', Dug, because I can't stop; I just want a rope to catch Grey Molly." "You red devil take that rope over there, Vic. You won't have no work catchin' Molly. Which she's plumb tame. Stand still, damn you. I never seen a Glencoe with any sense! Where you goin', Vic? Up to the school?" And his sweaty grin followed Vic as the latter went out with the coil of rope over his shoulder.

Account of the Lancashire Plot..... The Commons inquire into the Abuses which had crept into the Army..... They expel and prosecute some of their own Members for Corruption in the Affair of the East India Company..... Examination of Cooke, Acton, and others..... The Commons impeach the Duke of Leeds..... The Parliament is prorogued..... Session of the Scottish Parliament..... They inquire into the Massacre of Glencoe..... They pass an Act for erecting a Trading Company to Africa and the Indies..... Proceedings in the Parliament of Ireland..... Disposition of the Armies in Flanders..... King William undertakes the Siege of Namur..... Famous Retreat of Prince Vaudemont..... Brussels is bombarded by Villeroy..... Progress of the Siege of Namur..... Villeroy attempts to relieve it..... The Besiegers make a desperate Assault..... The Place capitulates..... Boufflers is arrested by order of King William..... Campaign on the Rhine and in Hungary..... The Duke of Savoy takes Casal..... Transactions in Catalonia..... The English Fleet bombard's St.

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