United States or Mauritania ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Andy shouted, and gave him an approving slap on the shoulder that sent him skating dangerously toward the table. "Best job in town just came a-running up to you and says, 'Please take me! so they say. That right?" "Yeah what about this here Great Western gitting its loop on you first thing?" bawled Big Medicine gleefully. "By cripes, that's sure one on the Acme bunch!

You can't reach it in a boat and you can't reach it over the desert," said Zeb. "The country all round there is dry as an oven and, anyhow, if you got to ther banks of ther Colorado right by ther island ther's no way of gitting down to ther island.

"I'll be bursted with powder, if you didn't like to git into a purty tight fix," said Sneak, dashing down the consuming billets of wood. "Now, Sneak, cut me loose, and then let's run home as soon as possible." "I hain't got my knife with me, or I wouldn't 'ave been so long gitting loose myself," said Sneak, slowly untying Joe's hands.

He was a light eater himself, he said, on account of gitting dyspepsia from a tough Australian that he et in 1847, but the girls and the old woman, so he said, were very hearty eaters, and it kept him busy prowling around after human beings to satisfy 'em.

As Jack shouted and the others started toward him, the face vanished like a flash. "Well, we'll git ter ther bottom uv this afore we leave ther island," declared Zeb vehemently, "but right now, pussonally, I'm more interested in gitting those lead carboys filled up with Z. 2. X. and gitting away from here." "So are we," said Jack, thinking of his father.

"What good can come of it?" demanded Doe, moodily: "the gal's half dead and whole crazy, or so Telie says. And as for your gitting any good-will out of her, cuss me if I believe it. And Telie says " "That Telie will spoil all! I told you to keep the girl away from her."

"Bedad, he's gitting on illegantly," replied Garry, sniffing at a soup plate containing some steaming compound which Weston, the steward, had just brought in, and directing that worthy to place it in front of our poor invalid guest.

Did you never hear tell of Kidd the pirate, and his treasures, ever so much gold and silver, and rings and watches, and all sorts o' trinkets and notions, buried somewhere along shore, or perhaps on the old fellow's island? Folks does say that when it was kivered, two men was murdered on the spot, so that their sperits should watch it, and hender other folks from gitting on't.

There was only one man ever tried to advise me about gitting married and he's still a cripple. There was no man ever tried to recite love poetry to me. You take fair warnin'." "Then you ain't willin' to listen to my experience, considerin' that I've been a worse hard-shell than you ever was in marriage matters, and now see the errors of my ways?" The Cap'n was blinking up wistfully.

I 'spect, as I heard the doctor say once, he draws on the fact for his 'magination. But what can you 'spect, Felix, from a 'Peskypalian? They think so much of gitting up and setting down, as if there was religion in moving the legs. But let me see about the billets. Miss Faith told me to put the Bernards' in this pocket, and the minister's in this, and the doctor's in this other one.