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"My love to you, Gito," said I, "has ever been the same, but now my dancing-days submit to reason." "Therefore," said he, laughing at me, "in the name of Socrates, I thank you, because like him, you propose to love me: Alcibiades, Encolpius, did not rise a virgin from that philosopher's side."

At last also even Gito laught for company, at what time the young wench flung her arms about his neck, and meeting no resistance, half smother'd him with kisses.

And now Psyche put a flame-colour veil on the girl's head; the pathick led before with a flamboe, and a long train of drunken women, fell a shouting, and drest up the bride-chamber; Quartilla, all a-gog as the rest, took hold of Gito and dragg'd him in with her: But truly the boy made no resistance; nor seem'd the girl frighted at the name of matrimony.

I, who had been frighted at the painted dog, and now gotten as drunk as Ascyltos, while I endeavoured to get hold of him, fell in my self; at last the porter's coming in saved us, for he quieted the dog and drew us out; but Gito, like a sharp rascal, delivered himself, for whatever had been given him at supper to carry home with him, he threw it the dog, and that mollified him.

We saw all through a hole they had made by wrenching the latch from the door: I wish'd him well you may imagine; but Gito had compassion and wou'd have succour'd the distrest Eumolpus; upon which, my rage continuing, I gave his pitying head two or three blows with my fist; he sate down on the bed and cry'd: but I so eagerly ply'd the hole, I made my eyes relieve each other; and, encouraging the people against him, with great satisfaction beheld the conflict: when the bailiff of the island, one Bargates, whom the scuffle had rais'd from supper; was brought into the room, supported by others legs, for he was troubl'd with the gout, he cou'd not use his own: And having in his clownish manner, with a great deal of heat, made a long harangue against drunkards and vagabonds, looking on Eumolpus, "ha! what is it you," says he, "the excellent poet?

On this Gito, who stood behind him, burst out a laughing; which the other taking notice of, fell upon the boy; and, "Do you," said he, "laugh too, you curl-pated chattering magpye? O the Saturnals! Why how now, sirrah! is it the month of December? When were you twenty, I pray? What would this collop dropt from the gibbet, this crows-meat, be at?

When I had thus said, Gito threw off his mantle, and getting under mine, thrust his head out at top to reach my lips; but that the most malicious wave might not ravish us asunder, he girt himself to me with the thong that bound his wallet; and "'tis some comfort," said he, "to think that by this the sea will bear us longer e're it can divorce us from each other's arms.

I hid my bruises as well as I cou'd, lest my rival Eumolpus might sport with my shame, or Gito be concern'd at it; therefore as the only way to disguise my misfortune, I began to dissemble sickness, and having got in bed, to revenge my self of that part of me, that had been the cause of all my misfortunes; when taking hold of it,

At the sight of the true Gito, Tryphoena wept for joy: Who, not before, cou'd hug him with so real a satisfaction.

In this sad pickle, what should we do? we found ourselves in a new kind of labyrinth, and for bathing, we'd enough of it already: However, necessity enforcing us, we pray'd him to show us the way to the bath: and Gito having hung out our cloaths a drying in the porch, we entred the bath, which was somewhat narrow, and sunk in the earth, not unlike a rainwater cistern; in this stood Trimalchio stark-naked: Nor could we avoid his filthy tricks; for he said, nothing was better than to bathe in a crowd; and that every place had in times past been a grinding-house.