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The gist of them was that "If they took and grabbed the ould gintleman's bit of money, and he after dyin' all his lone up among them there, wid ne'er a one of his own folks near him to see he had his rights, it might look ugly enough agin them, and set some people passin' remarks he'd be long sorry to have made on him, or any of his name;" and that for the precluding of such animadversions it might behove them to provide "a buryin'" not merely decent but "very respectable whatever," and to expend the remainder of Mr.

"Here, you murdherin' divil, get down aff that harse," said the Iron Brigade, who had got awake enough to see that the rebel was on his horse. "Take this mule, and lave a dacent gintleman's harse alone." The rebel smiled, dismounted, gave the Irishman his horse, mounted the mule, and we started for camp.

"We've had a good schlape, a good male, and I'm quieting my narves with the ould gintleman's pipe." "It strikes me, Tim, you were rather discourteous," said Elwood. "Be careful that we do not trespass too much on his good nature." "This is the calomel o' pace, as they calls it, and when you shmoke it it manes there's no enmity atween us.

If ye cud tache thim to cook an' take care iv childher they'd be th' best servants, says I. 'An' what d'ye call thim"? says he. 'I f'rget, says I. An' he wint away mad." "Sure an' he's a nice man to be talkin' iv servants," said Mr. Hennessy. "He was a gintleman's man in th' ol' counthry an' I used to know his wife whin she wurruked f'r " "S-sh," said Mr. Dooley. "They're beyond that now.

Why look about you and try where you can find a Catholic girl with a thousand pounds fortune, except in a gentleman's family, where Dan could never think of going." "That's thrue, any how, your Reverence," observed Peter. "A thousand pounds! Ellish! you needn't look for it. Where is it to be had out of a gintleman's family, as his Reverence says thrue enough."

Did n't I tell ye, Larry, not to be afther ringin' at the owld gintleman's knocker? Ain't ye got no sinse at all?" "Misther Donnehugh," responded Mr. O'Rourke with great dignity, "ye 're dhrunk agin." Mr. Donnehugh, who had not taken more than thirteen ladles of rum-punch, disdained to reply directly. "He's a dacent lad enough" this to Mrs. Bilkins "but his head is wake.

They then set off, but no one knows how far they travelled, till they reached the dark gintleman's castle, who appeared very glad to see Jack, and gave him a hearty welcome.

The officer turned quickly and faced a big, broad- shouldered Irish woman, bare-headed, her sleeves rolled up to her elbows, every line in her kindly face replete with indignation. "Don't put yer hands on him, or I'll go to the lock-up an' tell McManus." "Oh, it's you, is it, Mrs. Mulligan?" said the officer, in a conciliatory tone. "Yes, it's me. The young gintleman's right.

An' whin I see yer face, sich a gintleman's face as ye've got, too, I says shure that must be Charley." "What did he say?" asked Vanderhuyn.

"'Why, man, it was never worth so much, says the baste, pulling out his pipe and putting it in his mouth, when it lit at once. "'Take care of yourself, says Jack, quite desperate, for he thought he was near the end of his tether, 'take care of yourself, you dirty cur, or maybe I might take a gintleman's toe from your tail.