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Garoche had her dress open at the neck and bosom, and was staring at something on her breast. The Baron saw also, stooped with a strange sound in his throat, and picked it up. 'My glove! he said. 'And on her wedding-day! He pointed. 'There on the table is its mate, fished this morning from my hunting-coat a pair the Governor gave me. You see, man, you see her choice!

Then Garoche said: 'I command you, come with me; you are my wife. She did not reply, but shook her head at him. Then he spoke out high and fierce: 'May no child be born to you. May a curse fall on you. May your fields be barren, and your horses and cattle die. May you never see nor hear good things.

Then you know what happened to the young Marmette? Garoche trembled a little, but drew himself up and said: 'M'sieu' le Baron, he tried to kill the Intendant there was no other way. 'What part played you in that, Garoche? Some trembled, for they knew the truth, and they feared the mad will of the Baron. 'I ordered the firing-party, M'sieu' le Baron, he answered.

'Of course the end of all is death, but we will go a-Maying first, come October, and let the world break over us when it must. We are for Maying now, my rose of all the world! It was as if he meant more than he said, as if he saw what would come in that October which all New France never forgot, when, as he said, the world broke over them. "The next morning the Baron called Garoche to him.

I forbade you. 'Oh, my lord, she answered, 'I feared for you both! When men go mad because of women a devil enters into them. The Baron, taking her by the hand, said: 'Permit me, and he led her to the door for her to pass out. She looked back sadly at Garoche, standing for a minute very still.

And all the time there was Falise with the Baron very quiet and sweet and fine to see, and going to Chapel every day, and to Mass on Sundays which no one could understand, any more than they could see why she should be called the Baroness of Beaugard; for had they all not seen her married to Garoche? And there were many people who thought her vile. Yet truly, at heart, she was not so not at all.

Wild with horror at the prospect of their meeting so hideous a death, I sprang into the air, and ran my sword straight into the panting mouth of Garoche, so that the point came out at the back of his neck. He dropped, and I disengaged my weapon barely in time to check the onslaught of the other man, who, seeing Garoche's fate, had left the Countess and come at me again.

You and she have said your last farewell in this world for the wife of the Baron of Beaugard can have nothing to say to Garoche the soldier. At that Garoche snarled out, 'The wife of the Baron of Beaugard, that is a lie to shame all hell. The Baron wound the lash of a riding-whip round and round his fingers quietly and said: 'It is no lie, my man, but the truth. Garoche eyed him savagely, and growled: 'The Church made her my wife yesterday; and you you you ah, you who had all you with your money and place, which could get all easy, you take the one thing I have!

'Of course the end of all is death, but we will go a-Maying first, come October, and let the world break over us when it must. We are for Maying now, my rose of all the world! It was as if he meant more than he said, as if he saw what would come in that October which all New France never forgot, when, as he said, the world broke over them. "The next morning the Baron called Garoche to him.

In the next room they will tell you where to sleep. To-morrow, as I said, you will meet me here. We shall have things to say, you and I. Ah, that Baron, he had a queer mind, but in truth he loved the woman, as you shall see! "Garoche got up without a word, went to the door and opened it, the look of the Baron and the woman following him, for there was a devil in his eye.