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"Hark! listen to the bold Fuscus," cried the crowd. "He has seen much." "I will never wear my sword again if they did not knock over the statue in the dark." "No, no," cried the sailor positively. "It fell with the land that was washed away; I saw it lying there myself." "And are you a Christian, too?" asked the soldier, "or do you suppose that I was in jest when I swore by my sword?

I was called by the prefect of Rome, to assist him in a certain case, and had the pleasure of hearing two excellent young men, Fuscus Salinator and Numidius Quadratus, plead on the opposite sides: their worth is equal, and each of them will one day, I am persuaded, prove an ornament not only to the present age, but to literature itself.

He commanded silence and made the soldier tell him what had so violently excited the people. "Very possibly," said the tribune, a sinewy and stern-looking man, who, like Fuscus, had served under Tinnius Rufus, and had risen from a sutler to be an officer, "Very possibly but where are your proofs?"

"No! not a God," replied Aristius Fuscus, "only the greatest work of God, a wise and virtuous man, in an age which has few such to boast. But come, let us ride on and conclude our race; and thou, Arvina, forget what I said; I meant not to wrong thee." "I have forgotten," answered Paullus; and, with the word, they gave their horses head, and cantered onward for the field of Mars.

It might have come from the hands of Porcius Latro, or Arellius Fuscus. The orator treats truth as a means; the historian should treat it as an end. Livy wishes us not so much to know as to admire his heroes. His language was censured by Pollio as exhibiting a Patavinitas, but what this was we know not. To us he appears as by far the purest writer subsequent to Cicero.

What, Fulvia, know you not young Arvinaone of the great Cæcilii? By Hercules! my Curius, he won the best of the quinquertium from such competitors as Victor and Aristius Fuscus, and ran twelve stadii, with the heaviest breast-plate and shield in the armory, quicker than it has been performed since the days of Licinius Celer.

I was wrong, then, I confess my error; if Cicero be satisfied, it must needs be all well." "That name of Cicero is like the voice of an oracle to Fuscus ever!" said Aurelius Victor, laughing. "I believe he thinks the new man from Arpinum a very god, descended from Olympus!"

"Hark! listen to the bold Fuscus," cried the crowd. "He has seen much." "I will never wear my sword again if they did not knock over the statue in the dark." "No, no," cried the sailor positively. "It fell with the land that was washed away; I saw it lying there myself." "And are you a Christian, too?" asked the soldier, "or do you suppose that I was in jest when I swore by my sword?

Around the outer circumference were rows of seats, shaded by plane trees overrun with ivy, and there were already seated many young men of noble birth, chatting together, or betting, with their waxed tablets and their styli in their hands, some waiting the commencement of the race between Fuscus and Victor, others watching with interest the progress of a sham fight on horseback between two young men of the equestrian order, denoted by the narrow crimson stripes on their tunics, who were careering to and fro, armed with long staves and circular bucklers, in all the swift and beautiful movements of the mimic combat.

Towards the end of his career, at the moment of reaching the goal, like the patrician Fuscus, he had made a false step upon a plank, and had fallen into the sea. But Porthos, good, harmless Porthos!