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Updated: August 24, 2024

MacCailein fumed at first at the storm that kept his letters from him and spoiled the laburnums and elms he was coaxing to spring about his garden; but soon he settled down to his books and papers, ever his solace in such homely hours as the policy and travel of his life permitted. And if the burgh was dull and dark, night after night there was merriment over the drawbrig of the castle.

The children, who had never seen such thick snow before, were delighted; but Foster-father looked fearfully at the passes before them, while the Captain of the Escort fumed and fretted at the non-arrival of his men. Unless they came soon, he said, if more snow fell, the pass immediately in front of them might be closed for days.

For the next three days and nights rehearsals were in full swing, with scarcely a moment's let-up. The Rushcroft company was increased by the arrival of three new members and several pieces of baggage. The dingy barn of a theatre was the scene of ceaseless industry, both peaceful and otherwise. The actors quarrelled and fumed and all but fought over their grievances.

"How should I know under the circumstances?" The Colonel fumed, and Morris added, "I beg your pardon, I understand what you mean." Then his father came to the charge. "To be brief, will you marry her?" "Will she marry me?" asked Morris. "Isn't she too sensible?" His father's eye twinkled, but he restrained himself. This, he felt, was not an occasion upon which to indulge his powers of sarcasm.

"I'd look well marrying a draught from a dark cavern, as you call it, now wouldn't I? To say nothing of the impossibility of a Mugley marrying a cook. I cannot entertain the proposition." "You'll find you can't entertain anything if you don't watch out," fumed Terwilliger, in return. "I'm not so sure about that," replied the earl, haughtily, sipping his lemon squash.

It was inundation, dissolution, utter obliteration almost without shock. And Kent found himself in the thundering rush of waters, holding to Marette. For a space they were under. Black water and white froth fumed and exploded over them. It seemed an age before fresh air filled Kent's nostrils. He thrust Marette upward and cried out to her. He heard her answer. "I'm all right Jeems!"

'Madame, said William, 'it was my lord the King. The Queen fumed. Then the Archbishop said, 'She is nobly born, of the house of Saint-Pol. I understand that she has a clear mind. 'More, cried the Marshal, 'she has a clear heart! 'If she had nothing clear about her I have that which would bleach her white enough, said the Queen-Mother; and Longchamp, who had said nothing at all, grinned.

And while LaHume fumed and Miss Lawrence clapped her hands I told the story of the downfall of "Big Dave" at the hands of the quiet and cleanly Wallace, making sure that the defeat of the village bully lost nothing in its telling. All the way back to the club house we did not play out the remaining holes Miss Lawrence plied me with questions concerning Wallace.

Tremblingly she drew closer to Flukey, until sleep overpowered her. The next day passed slowly, the cold rain lasting until almost nightfall, and yet the children dared not venture into the town. Flea fumed and fretted; for the earning of the nickel had whetted her ambition to earn more.

D'you s'pose I haven't eyes in my head?" The veneer of sobriety Beresford imposed on his countenance refused to stay put. MacLean fumed on. "Hmp! Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre, eh? Very pretty. Very romantic, no doubt. But damned sentimental tommyrot, just the same." "Yes, sir," agreed the constable, barking into a cough just in time to cut off a laugh.

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