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These finishing pieces are wrapped temporarily with string until they dry. The bow is then given a final treatment with scraper and steelwool and is ready for the varnish. The best protection for bows seems to be spar varnish. This keeps out moisture. It has two disadvantages, however; it cracks after much bending, and it is too shiny. The glint or flash of a hunting bow will frighten game.

She sensed that and all her nerves were alert. Presently she saw a crouching figure and lifted the gun, but before she could fire it was wrested from her hand. She opened her lips to cry out for help, but a hand closed over her mouth, and swung her round so that her back was toward her assailant, and then in a flash his arm came round her neck, the flex of the elbow against her throat.

Presently the forms, hitherto intermingled, became separate and stationary an arm of one was next extended then was seen to rise a flash of light, and then a volume of dense smoke, amid which the loud report found its sullen way, bellowing like thunder through some blackening cloud, while, from the peculiar nature of the sound, it was recognized, by the experienced in those matters, to have proceeded from a shotted gun.

Monkey Brand indeed asserted that there were few things Albert Eddud could not do if he tried "and the wusser the thing the better he does it." Now he was drawing the head of a man with a huge and bulbous nose. Boy caught a glimpse of it as she entered the yard, and recognised it in a flash.

Far be it from me to say that he doubts it, said Philip; and as at those words the flash of the Morville eye darted lightning, he expected that the next moment, 'Do you? would be thundered forth, and he could not, with truth, answer 'No; but it was one of his maxims that a man need never be forced into an open quarrel, and he tranquilly continued 'but it is better not to depend entirely on assertion.

His hand was reaching for it when like a flash Baree was gone. This gave McTaggart his new idea. He blazed himself a fresh trail through the forests parallel with his trap line but at least five hundred yards distant from it. Wherever a trap or deadfall was set this new trail struck sharply in, like the point of a V, so that he could approach his line unobserved.

She would have given up more than India to save Jerrold that pang of memory. Only, when it was all over and he had sailed without her, she realized in one wounding flash that what she had given up was Jerrold himself. i Anne did not go back to her Ilford farm at once. Adeline had made that impossible. At the prospect of Anne's going her resentment died down as suddenly as it had risen.

Another flash revealed for an instant the doomed vessel, and Waring raged at his own impotence as he strode to and fro, tears of anger and pity in his eyes. The old man watched him anxiously. 'There are not more than six of them, he said; 'it was only a small schooner. 'Silence! shouted Waring; 'each man of the six now suffering and drowning is worth a hundred of such as you!

When the weather was clear it would sleep contentedly in its, cage. But when there was thunder in the air, it would become excited, and seem to obtain great strength, and its eyes would flash dazzlingly. There is one very evil spirit, however, who is not in the least afraid of dried peas, and who cannot be so easily got rid of as the common devils; and that is Bimbogami.

High up in the air there was a shrill screaming sound which seemed something like an echo of the roar of the great gun. Something like a white flash of light darted upwards straight to the heart of the descending Invader. Then the whole heavens were illumined by a blinding glare. The nucleus of the comet seemed to throw out long rays of many-coloured light.