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A change came in a few months, but a disastrous change. The modiste failed. Celia was thrown out of work, and could get nothing to do. Gradually she pawned what clothes she could spare; and then there came a morning when she had a single five-franc piece in the world and owed a month's rent for her room. She kept the five-franc piece all day and went hungry, seeking for work.

But when Maurice dispatched his cravat with a five-franc piece tied in it to the other bank, the Bavarian who was to return him a loaf of bread gave it, whether from awkwardness or malice, such an ineffectual toss that it fell in the water. The incident elicited shouts of laughter from the Germans. Twice again Maurice repeated the experiment, and twice his loaf went to feed the fishes.

It is a little larger than a five-franc piece, and has on one side the head of the Emperor encircled by "Chapelle des Tuileries," and on the other side "Madame Moulton" and the date. We are all dreadfully sad about the Duke de Morny's death. He was very much appreciated, and a favorite with every one. They say that the Duchess cut off all her hair and put it into his coffin.

But the appeal addressed to the French brigadier, "un galant homme," of an invalid lady, too ill to be disturbed, was effectual, especially when backed by two five-franc pieces. Lord Blackadder was on the platform with the rest, and directly he saw me he came up with the same arrogant air, curiously blended with aggrieved helplessness. "This will end badly, Colonel Annesley.

Denonvilliers has described a perforation of the esophagus and aorta by a five-franc piece. A preserved preparation of this case, showing the coin in situ, is in the Musee Dupuytren. Blaxland relates the instance of a woman of forty-five who swallowed a fish bone, was seized with violent hematemesis, and died in eight hours.

The janitor of the Morgue, remembering Gerald Burton's five-franc piece, and perchance looking forward to another rond, was wreathed in smiles. Eagerly he welcomed the two strangers into the passage, and carefully he closed the great doors behind them. "A little minute," he said, smiling happily. "Only one little minute!

I have no wish to owe a handsome abode to having made of the beauty you are pleased to ascribe to me a man-trap and a money-box for five-franc pieces!" The captain bit his lips as he recognized the words he had used to vilify Josepha's avarice. "And for whom are you so magnanimous?" said he. By this time the baroness had got her rejected admirer as far as the door.

The famous English monosyllable by which things, persons, luck, even eyes, are devoted to the infernal gods, we may be sure is not wanting in that Babel. Where does one not hear it? "D the luck," says Lord Kew, as the croupier sweeps off his lordship's rouleaux. "D the luck," says Brown the bagman, who has been backing his lordship with five-franc pieces.

"Was it a lady accompanied by a maid whom I took up on the boulevard de la Madeleine?" asked a postilion sitting in the corner of the room where la Peyrade was making his preliminary inquiry. "Exactly," said la Peyrade, going eagerly up to the providential being, and slipping a five-franc piece into his hand.

Attwood produced a handful of gold, or a glittering heap of five-franc pieces, or a bundle of greasy, dusky bank-notes, more beautiful than either silver or gold: he had won thirteen thousand francs after leaving me at midnight in my garret.