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Yet these were only the small fry of the betting world; the big bets were made in the weighing enclosure. Here, then, raged the keen contest of people with light purses who risked their five-franc pieces and displayed infinite covetousness for the sake of a possible gain of a few louis. In a word, the battle would be between Spirit and Lusignan.

Grivois in a passion, as she threw a five-franc piece to Nicholas: "at all events, drive him away." "That will be easier than to kill him, madame," said the porter.

At the outset they won three thousand francs, then they lost and fell to five hundred; again they won three thousand seven hundred francs, and again they lost all but a five-franc piece. After another turn of luck they staked two thousand francs on an even number to double the stake at a stroke; an even number had not turned up for five times in succession, and this was the sixth time.

She stooped and saw a shining glory a five-franc piece! "What is it?" said Madame Valière. "Nothing," said Madame Dépine, covering the coin with her foot. "My bootlace." And she bent down to pick up the coin, to fumble at her bootlace, and to cover her furious blush.

And he put the five-franc piece into one of his pockets. His confidence having increased, he added: "Do you belong in this street?" "Yes, why?" "Can you tell me where No. 7 is?" "What do you want with No. 7?" Here the child paused, he feared that he had said too much; he thrust his nails energetically into his hair and contented himself with replying: "Ah! Here it is."

"'Of my five-franc piece of a five-franc piece, said Pierre, correcting himself, and leaving out the word my, half fearful lest Virginie should inquire how he became possessed of such a sum, and for what services it had been given him. But, of course, no such idea came into her head, for it would have been impertinent, and she was gentle-born.

By rising with daylight, and working until late at night, I scarcely succeeded in earning twenty sous a day. And it was not long before even this scanty resource failed me. Winter came, and the cold weather with it. One morning I changed my last five-franc piece it lasted us a week.

Pons had been wont to give him a five-franc piece once a month, knowing that he had a wife and family. "Why, I have come to ask news of M. Pons every morning, sir." "Efery morning! boor Dobinard!" and Schmucke squeezed the man's hand. "But they took me for a relation, no doubt, and did not like my visits at all.

The valet's speech, "We have enough to do in this world to look after ourselves," returned to his mind, and with it came that sentiment of obedience to what he called the "chefs de file," the front-rank men in war, and men of rank in peace. Besides, just now Pierrotin's head was as full of his own stings as there are five-franc pieces in a thousand francs.

"The Yankees have opened the Mississippi River; Louisiana is subjugated, and communication re-established with your neighborhood; you can go home." "What fraction of the way will this carry me?" said the other, holding up a five-franc piece. "My home is farther than the stars from me." "It is a little sum," urged Mr. Plade; "one hundred dollars should pay the whole passage." Mr.