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"Well, sir, when the men saw the cat brought up on deck, and hears that he was to be hove overboard, they all congregates together upon the lee gangway, and gives their opinions on the subject, and one says, `Let's go and speak to the first-lieutenant; and another says, `He'll put you on the black list; and so they don't do nothing all except Jenkins, the boatswain's mate, who calls to a waterman out of the main-deck port, and says, `Waterman, says he, `when they heaves that cat overboard, do you pick him up, and I'll give you a shilling; and the waterman says as how he would, for you see, sir, the men didn't know that the muskets had been ordered up to shoot the poor beast.

Now, she began to butt at us, and made us fly, right and left. Miss Susan was capsized, and sent sprawling on the deck; and Nancy, highly delighted at her victory, frisked off to the starboard side, where Mr Lukyn, with all the dignity of a first-lieutenant, was walking the deck with his glass under his arm.

The company was commanded by Captain Robert Anderson; Henry B. Judd was the senior first-lieutenant, and I was the junior first-lieutenant, and George B. Ayres the second-lieutenant. Colonel William Gates commanded the post and regiment, with First-Lieutenant William Austine as his adjutant.

SIR: I had the honor to report that, on Friday the 4th inst., the enemy's cavalry drove in our pickets, posted about a mile and a half in advance of my centre, on the main Corinth road, capturing one first-lieutenant and seven men; that I caused a pursuit by the cavalry of my division, driving them back about five miles, and killing many.

"No offence at all, sir, to you or the night orders either. I am heartily sorry I damned them heartily; but, in the matter of wearing this here ship precisely at that there time, I only acted under the pilot, who has charge until we are securely anchored. Surelye, I can't be 'sponsible." "Why, Mr Rattlin, why?" said the captain, the first-lieutenant, the lieutenant of the watch, and the master.

The First-Lieutenant, who was stumping on his wooden leg here and there with active movements, watching the proceedings of the various gangs of men at work in different ways, stopped when he saw me and smiled kindly. He had grown thinner, if not taller, since I last saw him, and looked somewhat like the scathed trunk of a once lofty poplar, battered and torn by a hundred tempests.

If I ever am in your list, I presume it will be for a case of plethora," replied Jerry, spanning his thin waist. "Young gentlemen, get down directly. What are you all doing there on the taffrail?" bawled out the first-lieutenant, who had just come up the ladder.

The right flank is made up of the famous Yellow Jackets of Harrison county, Indiana. They wear yellow flannel hunting shirts with a red fringe and hats with red plumes. Their officers are Captain Spier Spencer, sheriff of his county; First-Lieutenant Richard McMahan, Second-Lieutenant Thomas Berry, and Ensign John Tipton.

The hands were turned up all sail was made and in an hour, the stranger was to be seen with the naked eye from the fore-yard. "What do you make of her, Mr Stewart?" said the first-lieutenant to him, as he sat aloft with his glass directed towards the vessel. "A merchant ship, sir, in ballast." "What did he say, Jerry?" inquired Prose, who stood by him on the gangway.

As I afterwards learned, his father held high ministerial rank; a circumstance that accounted for his being the first-lieutenant of a six-and-thirty, at twenty, with a supernumerary lieutenant under him who had been a sailor some years before he was born.