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The captain repaired on board; when he arrived on the quarter-deck, he desired the first-lieutenant to send down for young Aveleyn. "He is at the mast-head, sir," replied the first-lieutenant, "for neglect of duty."

She had but a small crew, it being evidently intended to take more men on board when the slaves were shipped. Waller thought it best to remove them into the Zerlina, while he sent me and three hands, with Jack Stretcher as my first-lieutenant, to navigate the prize into port.

Next morning, after breakfast, Harry and his young companion went on board their ship, and Harry reported himself and Willy to the first-lieutenant, Mr Tobin. Captain Newcombe was on board; and when Harry, accompanied by Willy, went up and spoke to him on the quarterdeck, he received them very kindly. Willy, by Harry's advice, set to work at once to learn his duty.

Brevet First-Lieutenant George William Lay, Aid-de-camp. Second-Lieutenant Schuyler Hamilton, Aid-de-camp. Major J.P. Gaines, Volunteer Aid-de-camp. Major John Lind Smith, Chief; Captain Robert Edward Lee; Lieutenants Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard, Isaac I. Stevens, Zealous Bates Tower, Gustavus Woodson Smith, George B. McClellan, John Gray Foster.

I believe, as much as it lay in his nature, he was grateful for it, for to everyone else on board he was the constant butt. Mr Farmer, our first-lieutenant, was a smart and somewhat exacting officer.

"Come, doctor, let you and I hob and nob," said the first-lieutenant. They did so, and clicked their glasses together with such force as to break them both, and spill the wine upon the fine damask table-cloth.

In the meantime, the mainsail had been set by the first-lieutenant, and the crew, unoccupied, had their eyes directed for a little while upon the French vessel, which lay on her beam-ends, enveloped in spray; but they also perceived what, during the occupation and anxiety of action, they had not had leisure to attend to, namely, the desperate situation of their own ship.

"Had we hauled off sooner, and not have examined it, I should have had no hesitation in asserting, most confidently, that we had seen a rock," answered the first-lieutenant. Captain M went below, and was soon after at table with the first-lieutenant and Macallan, who had been invited to dine in the cabin. After dinner, the subject was again introduced.

"He told me that he'd soon make me know what a first-lieutenant was: what did he mean by that?" inquired Jack. "All zeal." "Yes, but he said, that as soon as he got on board, he'd show me the difference between a first-lieutenant and a midshipman." "All zeal." "He said my ignorance should be a little enlightened by-and-by." "All zeal." "And that he'd send a sergeant and marines to fetch me."

"There's some mischief going on there," exclaimed Captain Idle, after a look at the vessels. "Mr Spry, call the boats away; we must send and overhaul these fellows." Three boats, under the command of the first-lieutenant, were speedily in the water, and manned, all hands being well-armed. Waller had charge of one boat, I of the third, and not a little proud did I feel of the honour.