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"I'd rather you'd tell me." "Folks from home! Mrs. Bentley, Laura and Belle Meade will be here late tomorrow afternoon! "Great!" admitted Cadet Holmes, but to Dick's ear his chum's enthusiasm seemed perfunctory. "We'll drag femmes to the hop tomorrow night, eh, Greg?" "Anything on earth that you say, old ramrod," agreed Holmes placidly, then stepped out of his tent to visit across the way.

Once more, get this Princess to learn by heart the ECOLE DES MARIS and the ECOLE DES FEMMES; that will do her much more good than TRUE CHRISTIANITY by the late Mr. It is said she has a Sister, who at least has common sense. Why take the eldest, if so? To the King it must be all one. Paragraph of tragic compliments to Grumkow we omit. Letter ends in this way:

Je sais mes perfides, OEnone, et ne suis point de ces femmes hardies, Qui, goûtant dans le crime une tranquille paix, Ont su se faire un front qui ne rougit jamais! How shall I describe what followed?

I tore myself from the embraces of Madame C , whose tears flowed afresh, and bedewed my cheeks, and I once more passed through the court-yard, followed to the porter's lodge by the dames de compagnie, femmes de chambre, and valets de chambre, wondering at my courage, offering up their prayers for my safety, and proclaiming that only an Englishwoman would have faced such danger.

The French bourgeoisie of Paris were sufficiently quick-witted and enlightened by education to welcome great works like Le Tartuffe, Les Femmes Savantes, and Le Misanthrope, works that were perilous ventures on the popular intelligence, big vessels to launch on streams running to shallows.

And putting his arm through Ancrum's, he swept him away, repeating, as they walked, the substance of a letter from his precious nephew, in which the Barbizon episode as it appeared to the inhabitants of No. 7 Rue Chantal and to the students of Taranne's atelier de femmes was related, with every embellishment of witticism and blague that the imagination of a French rapin could suggest.

Their courage, where their hearts are concerned, is indeed proverbial: "Oh! femmes c'est a tort qu'on vous nommes timides, A la voix de vos coeurs vous etes intrepides." Experience has proved that women can be as enduring as men, under the heaviest trials and calamities; but too little pains are taken to teach them to endure petty terrors and frivolous vexations with fortitude.

Moliere has pointed out, with all the force of comic ridicule, in the Femmes Savantes, that a lady, who aspires to the sublime delights of philosophy and poetry, must forego the simple pleasures, and will despise the duties of domestic life.

The only thing original about Wycherley, the only thing which he could furnish from his own mind in inexhaustible abundance, was profligacy. It is curious to observe how everything that he touched, however pure and noble, took in an instant the colour of his own mind. Compare the Ecole des Femmes with the Country Wife.

Very touching in her invocation to her "old Corneille," Mademoiselle Gontier was superb at the moment when the comedienne, knowing at last who is her rival, quotes from Racine that passage in 'Phedre' which she throws, so to speak, in the face of the patrician woman: .... Je sais ses perfidies, OEnone! et ne suis point de ces femmes hardies Qui, goutant dans la crime une honteuse paix, Ont su se faire un front qui ne rougit jamais.