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Updated: August 3, 2024

C'est donc sur terre et sur mer un important renfort. J'ai l'honneur de vous soumettre ci-dessous mes idées sur son emploi. Jetons d'abord un coup d'oeil sur la situation. Il s'en dégage, ce me semble, deux faits.

It was to one of these methods not Miss Faithfull's my attention was drawn a short time since by a letter in the daily papers. The Victoria Press and International Bureau are faits accomplis, and it is well that efforts should be made for utilizing in other ways that interesting surplus in our female population. Mrs.

Les cochons etant faits pour etre manges, nous mangeons du porc toute l'annee." At Athens the laws did not constantly interfere with the tastes of the people. The children were not taken from their parents by that universal step-mother, the state.

On ne s'attendait pas que l'auteur du Pays d'amour, et le traducteur de Rodriguez, entreprît dans sa jeunesse le premier dictionnaire de faits qu'on eût encore vu. Ce grand travail lui coûta la vie... Mort en 1680. Voltaire's Works, ed. 1819, xvii. 133. Johnson looked upon Ana as an English word, for he gives it in his Dictionary.

Our author meets with a limestone too much erected in its position to be supposed as in its natural place, and then he explains this phenomenon in the following manner, p. 333. «Les rochers d'Ehrentbreitstein et de Lahnstein sont donc des faits particuliers. Ces rochers l

The ducal house bears gules, three broad axes or in fess, with the famous motto: Caveo non timeo, which epitomizes the history of the family. The coat of the Vicomtes de Grandlieu is the same quartered with that of Navarreins: gules, a fess crenelated or, surmounted by a knight's helmet, with the motto: Grands faits, grand lieu. The present Viscountess, widowed in 1813, has a son and a daughter.

And M. Quatrefages concludes his description thus: 'En acceptant comme vraies toutes les observations qui tendent a faire admettre qu'il en sera autrement dans les localites dont j'ai parle plus haut, quelle est la conclusion a tirer de faits aussi peu semblables?

The danse de feu was described long ago in a Bulgarian periodical by one of our best known writers. What you are about to read only confirms his account. How will you explain these hauts faits de l'extase religieuse? I cannot imagine! For my part, I think of the self-mutilations and tortures of Dervishes and Fakirs, and wonder if we have not here something analogous.

Let them go; and I warrant the managers will be none the worse I should, indeed, except the gentlemen of the Fourth Estate. The case of myself and the deadheads of other nights is quite different. The managers will find it difficult to do without us. We are present as much for their benefit as for our pleasure. Constatons les faits, if I may borrow another phrase from the French.

She had not meant to speak so soon, she said; she had wished her intentions to be faits accomplis before she disclosed them, but all this had upset her and she must explain.

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