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Soon after my arrival Donald McKay rode up, and I ordered him to go to the lake and get some water for the women, one of whom had been severely wounded. Soon after his return with the water Mr. Fairchilds came with the team and all were taken to the camp. The woman was not seriously hurt, but the four bucks were literally shot to pieces.

In church we hear ABOUT God, as you say, through other men's dim thoughts of Him. Here, alone, we are WITH him." They walked in silence for a space, Tillie feeling with mingled bliss and despair the fascination of this parting hour. But it did not occur to Fairchilds that her departure from the hotel meant the end of their intercourse.

Fairchilds gazed in surprise upon the girl's sweet, troubled face. "Let him stay?" "Yes." "Then perhaps my interference was unwelcome?" "I thank you, but I want him to stay." "Yes? I beg pardon for my intrusion. Good night." He turned away somewhat abruptly and left the room. And Tillie was again alone with Absalom.

Meanwhile, Walter Fairchilds, alone in his room, his mind too full of the events and characters to which the past day had introduced him to admit of sleep, was picturing, with mingled amusement and regret, the genuine horror of his fastidious relatives could they know of his present environment, among people for whom their vocabulary had but one word a word which would have consigned them all, even that sweet-voiced, clear-eyed little Puritan, Matilda Maria, to outer darkness; and that he, their adopted son and brother, should be breaking bread and living on a footing of perfect equality with these villagers he knew would have been, in their eyes, an offense only second in heinousness to that of his apostasy.

I'll leave yous borry the loan of it off of me till to-morrow then, Teacher, you kin fetch it over ag'in. Ain't?" "All right, Doc; you're a brick!" Tillie sped into the house to obey the doctor's bidding, and Fairchilds went with him across the street to the hotel stables.

Tillie flushed and paled by turns as it drew near, and her aunt rolled out the paste with a vigor and an emphasis that expressed her inward agitation. Even Fairchilds, in the next room, felt himself infected with the prevailing suspense. "Well!" was Jake Getz's greeting as he entered the kitchen. "Em!" he nodded to his sister. "Well, Tillie!"

The troops organized for the attack were Bernard's and Perry's troops of cavalry, and Green's and Mason's infantry, numbering 250 men; Captain Applegate's and Captain Kelley's volunteers, numbering 225 men, Donald McKay's Indian scouts numbering fifty and the California volunteers under John Fairchilds and Presley Dorris.

"Jake Getz, you ain't givin' in THAT easy?" demanded Absalom, angrily. "She'd up and do what she says! I know her! And I ain't leavin' her marry! You just wait" he turned threateningly to Tillie as she knelt on the ground "till I get you home oncet!" Fairchilds staggered to his feet, and drawing Tillie up from the ground, he held her two hands in his as he turned to confront his enemies.

That Fairchilds should "eat in his coat" placed him, in the eyes of the Wackernagels, on the high social plane of the drummers from the city, many of whom yearly visited the town with their wares. "And Teacher he didn't press 'em none, up at Jonas Hershey's, to take him in, neither, he says," Mrs. Wackernagel pursued. "He says?" repeated Mr. Wackernagel, inquiringly.

It was refreshing after all this to learn that on one occasion all three of the little Fairchilds got very drunk, which, as the eldest of them was only ten, would seem to indicate that, in spite of their aggressive piety, they had their fair dose of original sin still left in them. I liked the book notwithstanding.