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Updated: August 12, 2024

Huge tanks could be built on the same principle. In a short time, gentlemen, you can handle tons of these gases, if you like thousands of tons, unlimited tons. "The Siemens and Halske people, and the Great Falls, S.C., plant, will be mere puttering experimenters beside you.

Henry had blazed the way for others to work out the principles of the electric motor, and a few experimenters attempted to follow his lead. Thomas Davenport, a blacksmith of Brandon, Vermont, built an electric car in 1835, which he was able to drive on the road, and so made himself the pioneer of the automobile in America.

Brook Farm was a serious, sober experiment inaugurated by the Reverend George Ripley with intent to live the ideal life the life of useful effort, direct honesty, simplicity and high thinking. But Thoreau could not be induced to join the community he thought too much of his liberty to entrust it to a committee. He was interested in the experiment, but not enough to visit the experimenters.

It is not the clear clarion of chanticleer that is heard in the morn of English poetry, but a harsh chorus of cracked voices, hoarse and abortive attempts, squawks of young experimenters, and some indescribable thing besides, for I believe even the hens crow in these days. Distracting as all this is, however, happy is the man who does not hear a goat lamenting in the night.

He afterwards used to lament the time he had lost in these futile efforts, and said that if he had enjoyed the opportunity which most young men now have, of learning from books what previous experimenters had accomplished, he would have been spared much labour and mortification.

For this reason various experimenters, from time to time, have attempted to "grow tissues" artificially, in such manner that their development, functions, and decay under both healthy and diseased conditions might be studied under the microscope.

Chemistry furnishes us with a striking example an example very opportune in the case we are considering of the doctrine of Diogenes of Apollonia, that the air is actually a spiritual being; for, on the discovery of several of the gases by the earlier experimenters, they were not only regarded as of a spiritual nature, but actually received the name under which they pass to this day, gheist or gas, from a belief that they were ghosts.

Now this statement of Mr. Braid's, well known to the scientific world, and the truth of which had been confirmed by Mr. Bernard in certain experiments he had instituted, as it has been by many other experimenters, went far to explain the strange impressions, of which, waking or dreaming, he had certainly been the subject. His nervous system had been in a high state of exaltation at the time.

He based his claims upon an improvement of the Reis musical telegraph, which had formed the starting-point for so many experimenters. The case fell flat, however, for when the apparatus was brought into court no one could make it talk. None of the attacks upon Bell's claim to be the original inventor of the telephone aroused more popular interest at the time than the famous Drawbaugh case.

It is quite clear that he is but one of many faithful, patient observers and experimenters true scientists in the best sense of the word who lived in all the centuries of the Middle Ages.

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