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Updated: August 26, 2024

"Cy vous entrez, qui le saint Evangile En sens agile annoncez, quoy qu'on gronde, Ceans aurez une refuge et bastile, Contre l'hostile erreur qui tant postille Par son faux style empoisonner le monde."

I heard her say to one of them the other day, when he "did not wish to disturb madame, if she is busy," "Mais, entrez donc. Les soldats ne gênent jamais ma maîtresse." I went downstairs and found a mere youngster, with a sergeant's stripe on his sleeve, blushing so hard that I wondered how he had got up the courage to come inside the gate. He stammered a moment.

'Is that you, Victor? sounded a shrill voice from the adjoining room. 'Come in. The woman in the cap disappeared at once. 'I'm not alone, observed Sitnikov, with a sharp look at Arkady and Bazarov as he briskly pulled off his overcoat, beneath which appeared something of the nature of a coachman's velvet jacket. 'No matter, answered the voice. 'Entrez. The young men went in.

He had seen Moravia at her window in the inner building, and knew that this woman who held his life in her hand would be alone. Then, in response to a gentle "Entrez" he opened the door and went in. Sabine had been sitting at her writing-table, an open blue despatch-box at her side.

I saw her case at once, want and shame at begging, went to her and gave her the ten-sou piece, and went to bed feeling better. The next day being Sunday and no atelier, I slept late, and was awaked by a knock at my door, when to the spoken "Entrez" came in no other than my friend Dr. Ruggles, between whom and myself there were various communities of feeling which made us like brothers.

"Cy vous entrez, qui le saint Evangile En sens agile annoncez, quoy qu'on gronde, Ceans aurez une refuge et bastile, Contre l'hostile erreur qui tant postille Par son faux style empoisonner le monde."

Monsieur Riel had been all this while pacing up and down his room. A tap came upon his door. "Entrez. Ah, it is you, mon adjudant!" "Oui, mon president." "What tidings?" "C'est accompli. The court-martial has found the prisoner guilty; and he is condemned to be shot at one o'clock this day." "Monsieur is expeditious! Monsieur is zealous. C'est bon; c'est bon; merci, Monsieur."

Three or four would-be pumpers, among them Doggie, went to her aid. "All right, mother, we'll see to it," said one of them. So they pumped and filled the crocks, and one man got hold of one and Doggie got hold of another, and they carried them to the kitchen steps. "Merci, monsieur," said Toinette to the first; and he went away with a friendly nod. But to Doggie she said, "Entrez, monsieur."

When he retired to the room which had been made ready for him, and was just beginning to take out his artificial teeth, some one tapped lightly on the door with two fingers. "Who is that?" "C'est moi, Michael." Prince Michael Ivanovich recognised the voice of his sister-in-law, frowned, replaced his teeth, and said to himself, "What does she want?" Aloud he said, "Entrez."

The fisherman, in the kitchen of the mud-chimney, was sardonically waging war with a basket of little bayou crabs. "Entrez, mademoiselle et monsieur," he said pleasantly, grabbing a vicious crab by its flippers, and smiling at its wild attempts to bite. "You see I am busy, but make yourself at home." "Well, how on earth " began Philip. "Sh sh " whispered Annette.

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