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So saying, Elmer selected a photograph from those on the table and presented it to Mr. Denny. The old gentleman looked at it carefully for a few moments, and then said with an air of conviction "It is a perfect fraud. I had no idea that the man was such a thief." "Yes, sir. Look at that bare place where the plaster has fallen off. You can see the brick " "Oh, I can see.

Bangs insisted upon continuing the three dollars a day rate and Miss Martha declared he should do nothing of the kind. "That three dollars a day was just a temporary thing," she said. "I said it just because I was sure you would go over to Elmer Rogers' if I didn't. Elmer Rogers is a robber and always was.

Buck heard the banker shouting at the top of his lungs and dashed on toward the mysterious tunnel. "He'll get his head shot off in there!" exclaimed Sandy. "I don't care if he does!" declared Elmer. "Your uncle isn't such a bad old fellow, after all," Mr. Buck exclaimed. "He has plenty of courage, at any rate!" "But I don't understand why they don't open fire on him!" exclaimed Sandy.

His cap was pulled down over his eyes and a sullen determined look was on his face. "You come on outside with me," he said, stepping in and closing the door. He kept his hand on the knob as though prepared to resist anyone else coming in. "You just come along outside. I want to see you." George Willard and Elmer Cowley walked through the main street of Winesburg.

Finally, the boys began to talk less, and it could be easily seen that they were getting sleepy. Elmer really encouraged them to quit their efforts to keep awake. He himself felt that sleep would be welcome just then; and when that humor seizes a fellow he dislikes being kept awake against his will by the chattering of a comrade who does not know what a bed is meant for.

Although I shouldn't want Elmer to know I said it." "Well, you needn't worry; he shan't know as far as I am concerned. Now of course there's just one sensible thing for Mr. Bangs here to do, and you know what that is, doctor, as well as I do. Now don't you?" Powers smiled. "Perhaps," he admitted, "but I'd rather you said it, Martha." "All right, I'm goin' to say it. Mr.

Elmer's direction, and though Frank was far behind the others, he bade fair to become a first-class scholar. Mr. Elmer was not a man who thought boys were only made to get as much work out of as possible. He believed in a liberal allowance to play, and said that when the work came it would be done all the better for it. So, every other day, Mark and Frank were sent down to St.

It is much better that he should." Mr. Elmer reluctantly consented that Frank should take his place, and the rope was fastened around the boy's body, under his arms, having first been wound with saddle blankets so that it should not cut him.

So far so good; but now I'm going to try a most dangerous and difficult piece of scientific work, and you must help me. My plan is for you to keep in telegraphic communication with me while the interview goes on. Then, if he is insulting or troublesome, you can call me." "How bright of you, Elmer.

As rowing and poling the heavy lighter up the river would at best prove but slow work, and as there was no hotel or place for them to stay in St. Mark's, Mr. Elmer thought they too had better make a start, and take advantage of the last of the flood tide and what daylight still remained.