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"Will you have the goodness, madam, to inform me where I am?" "Thar, thar, Ella, child!" exclaimed the matron, joyously; "I told ye so I know'd it he's come to, for sartin the Lord be praised!" Then addressing herself to Reynolds, she continued: "Whar are you, stranger, do you ax?

"Now, don't be jealous," returned Henry, "I only wish to see the contrast between you." Ella fancied that the preference would of course be in her favor, and casting aside all unpleasant feelings, she exerted herself to the utmost to keep Henry at her side, asking him numberless questions, and suddenly recollecting something which she wished to tell him, if he made a movement towards leaving her.

Tom faltered something about the hotel, and began to look at Cousin Deborah, and to consider the proprieties of life; but Cousin Deborah, Cora, and Ella began declaring with one voice that he must remain for the evening meal, and a bustle of cheerful preparation commenced, while Ella still hung on his hand. 'But, Ella, you've never asked my good news. 'Oh dear! I was too glad!

"Thy name?" "Elfric, son of the thane Ella." "She will murder no more, father; the dog overtook her, and held her till we came; she was red with blood, and we knocked her down; Oswy here brained her with his club." "It is well she deserved her fate; but, Oswy, look at this face." "St. Wilfred preserve us!" cried the man "it is the young lord. He is not dying, is he?

It was inevitable that she and the bishop should meet and talk occasionally in the cathedral precincts, and it was inevitable that he should contrast the flexibility of her rapid and very responsive mind with a certain defensiveness, a stoniness, in the intellectual bearing of Lady Ella.

How could she tell, if they were left alone together for a long enough space of time, that she might not take the jewel from her neck, at his request, and hand it to him and damn them both? If only she could escape seeing him altogether until she could find out what Harry was doing, and what she must do! Meanwhile, there was her promise to Ella. She recalled it with difficulty.

Oh, Hugh, Hugh, we've all been shaken like naughty children, and some of us may be the better and the wiser for it. If Ella and that gallant knight of hers survive, how happy they will be! It makes me happy even to think of it, though for aught we know the earth may open and swallow us all within the next five minutes." "Yes, the dear child! Thank God for her sake!" "For your own too.

What's-his-name go in to call on Ella and he'll be six; and that horrid man on the next block who is in your lodge will have to be seven." The "train meeters" were gathered together inside of an hour. Mrs. Carey overruled all objections and laughed away all difficulties. She told them it would be a lark, and they believed it at the time! As none of them had met Mrs.

Lest there should be danger, however, dear Ella, I will ride down first and ascertain. If I give an alarm, turn your horse and do not spare him till you reach Wilson's." "No, no, no!" exclaimed Ella, with vehemence, laying her hand upon his arm, as he was about starting forward, her own features now growing very pale. "If you go, Algernon, you go not alone!

Well, Cousin Hugh, to take you into our entire confidence, we have been facing things and have arrived at several conclusions, one of which is now, Ella, shut your ears that you have one of the best daughters in the world, and that she and Mara have quite broken the ice between them and are going to be very good friends, and I was saying how I would like to convoy two such girls in one of our ballrooms in the good old times oh, well, we have just been having a long lingo as girls will when they get together."