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Updated: August 2, 2024

Dis ist a free coontry, effery body dells me, and vilt der beoples agree not to hire lands if dey vants to?" "Oh! you see we wish to choke the landlords off from their present leases; and, by and bye, when that is done, the law can let up again." "But ist dat right? Der law should be joost, and not hold down and let oop, as you calls it." "You don't understand us yet, I see.

"My dear poy," said Grossensteck, "you know as much of peeziness as a child unporne, and I tell you it's the same efferywhere in groceries, in hardware, in the alkali trade, in effery branch of industry, the pig operators stand shoulder to shoulder to spiflicate the little fellers like you.

There was a growling disputation in the boat. Then one spoke "See then, you, Gard! We will haff you yet, now we know where you are. If it takes effery man and effery boat in Sark, we will haff you, now we know where you are. You do not kill a Sark man like that and go free. Noh pardie!" "I have killed no man " A gun rang out in the boat, and the shot spatted on the rocks not a yard from him.

"And you will not suppose, Sheila, that I am coming to make any trouble by quarreling with any one. There are some men oh yes, there are ferry many that would have no judgment at such a time, and they would think only about their daughter, and hef no regard for any one else, and they would only make effery one angrier than before. But you will tell me, Sheila, where Mr. Lavender is."

The Herr Professor sweated and panted as he tugged at the silk handkerchief with which he was busily knotting the arms of the unconscious American behind his back. "Pouf! Ugh! Pig-dog!" he grunted "mit his pockets full of automatic clips. A Yankee, eh? What I tell you, Siurd? English and Yankee they are one in blood and one at heart pig-dogs effery one.

"I vork und vork mine head off keeping you fellers filled oop tree times a day alreatty; I not vork und vork to feed you effery hour, py cosh. You go mitout till supper iss reaty for you yet." Big Medicine, his frog-like eyes standing out from his sun-reddened face, stared agape. "Well, by cripes!"

Will you come down from that price any?" "If you wilt gif me some atfice, perhaps I may. You look like a goot shentlemans, and one dat woultn't sheat a poor Charmans; ant effery poty wants so much to sheat de poor Charmans, dat I will take six, if you will drow in some atfice." "Advice? You have come to the right man for that! Walk a little this way, where we shall be alone.

"And der wind, eet blow effery way -in one day." "Never mind, -just wait," came the answer. "One o' these nights, perhaps to-morrow, we'll " Again the sentence was lost. Hugh frowned impatiently. However, as they went on talking he heard some more of their designs -in particular, the fact that the dynamite was to be used for blowing up a railroad bridge.

"Marta," said Rolf, "you told me to come here if I got hurt. Well, I've come, and I've brought a boat-load of stuff in case I cannot do my share in the fields." "Press you, my poy you didn't oughter brung dot stuff; you know we loff you here, and effery time it is you coom I get gladsomer, and dot Annette she just cried ven you vent to de war."

I understand no legal domicile, but lead a wandering life. Have you many of these watches for sale?" "Yees I haf asht many as twenty. Dey are as sheep as dirt, and go like pig clocks." "And what may be your price for this?" "Dat you can haf for only eight tollars. Effery poty wilt say it is golt, dat doesn't know petter."

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