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Updated: August 13, 2024

In connection with this topic, the following anecdote was related by Mr. Adams: "As I was walking, this morning (in May, 1811), I was met by the emperor, who was also walking. As he approached he said, 'Monsieur Adams, il y a cent ans que je ne vous ai vu, and took me cordially by the hand. After some common observations, he asked me whether I intended to take a house in the country this summer. I said 'No; that I had for some time that intention, but I had given it up, 'And why? said he. I was hesitating upon an answer, when he relieved me from my embarrassment by saying, 'Peut-être sont-ce des considerations de finance. As he said it in perfect good humor, and with a smile, I replied, in the same manner, 'Mais, Sire, elles y sont pour une bonne partie. 'Fort bien, said he, 'vous avez raison. Il faut toujours proportionner la depense

The Englishman who said of the opera, 'At the first act I was enchanted; the second I could just bear; and at the third I ran away', is a fair illustration of an attitude common in the eighteenth century; and in France things were not much better, even in days when stage magnificence reached a point hardly surpassed in history. La Bruyère's 'Je ne sais comment l'opéra avec une musique si parfaite, et une dépense toute royale, a pu réussir

"Vous dites que l'entreprise de Montreal est d'une depense infinie, plus convenable a un roi qu'a quelques particuliers, trop faibles pour la soutenir; & vous alleguez encore les perils de la navigation & les naufrages qui peuvent la ruiner.

Very often, after we had been received into her house, I would hear remonstrance on his part relative to the expense of keeping us, and the reply of my grandmother, which would be, "Eh bien, Monsieur Chatenoeuf, c'est mon argent que je depense." I must describe Monsieur Chatenoeuf.

I had not to complain that my companions made an unnecessary depense de parole. They were, I believe, all Flemish. One of them prided himself on being able to speak a little English, which he said he could read perfectly, and pulled from his pocket "The Vicar of Wakefield," which, he assured me, he admired extremely.

Je l'ay laissee en estat d'augmenter beaucoup si elle est protegee; j'y ai fait quelque depense qui n'est pas inutile. Denonville au Ministre, Jan., 1690. It is to be observed that this Indian outbreak began in the summer of 1688, when there was peace between France and England. News of the declaration of war did not reach Canada till July, 1689.

Without armies and without government as we are, leaders, whether statesmen diplomats, politicians or orators, we can well depense with; without national life of any sort, national organizations to control our political, social, religious, literary or scientific affairs may easily be spared.

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