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So Malcolm shook off the dust of Staplegrove, and the gates of his City of dreams clanged behind him. "He must dree his weird," he said to himself, as he sat down to his work in the gloomy room in Lincoln's Inn, and in spite of heart-sickness he worked on stolidly and well.

How fain would I forget her and forget her love! * But how forget when Love garred Patience death to dree? O thou who hinderest Love to 'joy fair meeting tide * Say! art thou safe from Time and Fortune's jealousy? Art thou not glad and blest with happy life, while I * From folk and country for thy love am doomed flee?"

Every body said the man was fey; and truly, when I remarked him so gallant and gay on the Sabbath at the kirk, and noted his glowing face and gleg een, I thought at times there was something no canny about him. It was indeed clear to be seen, that the man was hurried out of himself; but nobody could have thought that the death he was to dree would have been what it was.

"Lucky for thee," said Bill Blacksmith, "as thee bee'st so shart and fat, Jan. Dree on us wor a gooin' to shutt 'ee, till us zeed how fat thee waz, Jan." "Lor now, Bill!" I answered 'un, wi' a girt cold swat upon me: "shutt me, Bill; and my own waife niver drame of it!"

It appeared to me that I must "dree my weird" alone. In the handsome, typically American room that was allotted to me I sat down to map out my future course, as well as I could see it. Either the brisk-mannered young "clerk" had shown a slight reserve in answering my eager questions regarding Harvey Farnham, or I had been morbidly sensitive enough to fancy it in his face and way of speaking.

With like originality, it substitutes for the somewhat commonplace Lernaean hydra all the local dragons of our national legends the gargoyle of Rouen, the gra-ouilli of Metz, the chair sallée of Troyes, the drée of Montlhéry, the tarasque of Tarascon monsters of forms so diverse, whose outlandish names are an additional attribute.

In the crowd stood Coney, Buzzford, and Longways "Some difference between him now and when he zung at the Dree Mariners," said the first. "'Tis wonderful how he could get a lady of her quality to go snacks wi' en in such quick time." "True. Yet how folk do worship fine clothes!

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the page allowed him to enter, the Badawi saluted the Caliph, who said to him, "Who art thou?" "Against whom?" Deign thou redress the wrong that dealt the tyrant whim of him * Who better had my life destroyed than made such wrong to dree.

He wooed her long and so tenderlee. And, day by day, as their fond love grew, Her spinning wheel stood with its threads askew; It stood. It stood. It stood with its threads askew. A maid there was in the North Countree; A sad little, lone little maid was she. Her knight seemed fickle and all untrue As he rode to war at the drummer's dree.

"Put you pet me I haf a narrow escape," he added, seriously. "How far must I haf dropped if dot pully oldt khaki cloth gives vay?" "All of twenty feet, Noodles," declared Andy. "Dwenty feets! Ach, petter say dree dimes dot," asserted Noodles. "I gives you my word, poys, dot it seemed I was on der top of a mountain, mit a fine chance my pones to preak on der rocks pelow.