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"Put you pet me I haf a narrow escape," he added, seriously. "How far must I haf dropped if dot pully oldt khaki cloth gives vay?" "All of twenty feet, Noodles," declared Andy. "Dwenty feets! Ach, petter say dree dimes dot," asserted Noodles. "I gives you my word, poys, dot it seemed I was on der top of a mountain, mit a fine chance my pones to preak on der rocks pelow.

"Fi' t'ousan' tollaire!" he exclaimed, as the Justice fixed his bail, blending both his French and his German accent with strict impartiality, "V'y you not make him den, dwenty, a huntret t'ousandt!" A penniless prisoner in the Tombs is not an object of much consideration, as Tulitz discovered to his profound disgust.

'If the younk man wants a chop, I can give him one. Dwenty shillings a veek, and meals at the mittle of the tay. 'What is the work? Paul asked. 'To be my brivate zecretary, said Darco, 'and to dravel with me through the gountry. 'When am I to begin? 'Now, said Darco.

"Id iss brebosterous," the German agreed readily; "but das iss no argument." He was silent for a little while. "Vere does he ged dem? Vere does he ged dem?" he repeated thoughtfully. "Do you believe, Laadham, it vould be bossible to smuggle in dwenty, d'irty, ein hundred million dollars of diamonds?" "Certainly not," was the reply.

Coldpin produced a dollar-bill and handed it over, remarking testily, "There, now, I'm very busy!" "Nein, nein!" said the man. "It vas not enough!" "Not enough?" "I vants dwenty tollar." "Oh, come now; this wont do at all. You mustn't bother me so. I can't be " The man did something with his mouth. Possibly he smiled. Possibly he was malevolently disposed.