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Updated: August 23, 2024

This contract was found among his papers signed "with the Devil's own claw," as Howell says speaking of a similar case. It is not to be wondered at that the earlier doubters were cautious. There was literally a reign of terror, and during such regimes men are commonly found more eager to be informers and accusers than of counsel for the defence.

But he thought of three classes of men: those who were already on the way to the truth and did not need him; those who were fixed in error and whom he could not help; and the poor doubters, uncertain of their way. It was to help these last, the doubters, that the Buddha went forth to preach.

'And I, said the Prince, 'will set my standard upon the battlements of your castle, and do you three watch against the doubters. This done, he again commanded that the brave captain, the Captain Experience, should draw up his men in the market-place, and that there he should exercise them day by day before the people of the town of Mansoul.

This dress he now assumed, extorting a good deal of half-suppressed admiration from the younger warriors, by the gay appearance he made. Then he drew out his spy-glass to its greatest length, making various mysterious signs and gestures as he did so. This glass proved to be a great auxiliary, and possibly alone kept the doubters in awe.

The fact that with no knowledge of the Old or New Testament, he had proclaimed doctrines materially similar and the fact that these Scriptures referred to himself, were proofs of his inspired power, let doubters say what they would. A closer acquaintance with these Scriptures showed him that the divergencies which he stigmatised as falsifications denoted in reality vast doctrinal differences.

Still the doubters continued, and the inhabitants of Underwold, where Nicolas lived, appear to have been at first very much inclined to suspect him of deceit.

Mind received a shot in the stomach, and Conscience was hit near the heart; but the wounds were not mortal. Mansoul had the best of it in the first engagement. Terror was followed by boasting and self-confidence; a night sally was attempted night being the time when the Doubters were strongest. The sally failed, and the men of Mansoul were turned to rout.

Sometimes they speak of Death and the Hereafter, of which the child they buried yesterday knows more than the wisest of them, and more than Shakespeare knew. Every day I see an increase of the doubters.

Harris, when he was interrupted by Jerry, who had been holding himself in as long as was humanly possible. "Don't let's waste any more time talking, Mr. Fulton. Tod and I have got a scheme that will pull us out on top yet even if it does mean helping these doubters against their will!" "Look here, Mr. Fulton," began Jerry, almost stammering in his eagerness.

Now, the reason why Diabolus did so soon rally another force, after he had been beaten out of the field, was, for that he put mighty confidence in this army of blood-men; for he put a great deal of more trust in them than he did before in his army of doubters; though they had also often done great service for him in the strengthening of him in his kingdom.

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