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Captain Ishmael was captain over two bands, namely, the mocking and scorning blood-men: his standard-bearer bare the red colours, and his scutcheon was one mocking at Abraham's Isaac.

But these blood-men, he had proved them often, and their sword did seldom return empty. Besides, he knew that these, like mastiffs, would fasten upon any; upon father, mother, brother, sister, prince, or governor, yea upon the Prince of princes.

But his trust he put in his blood-men, for that they were all rugged villains, and he knew that they had done feats heretofore. As for the blood-men, they also were under command and the names of their captains were, Captain Cain, Captain Nimrod, Captain Ishmael, Captain Esau, Captain Saul, Captain Absalom, Captain Judas, and Captain Pope.

Now, the reason why Diabolus did so soon rally another force, after he had been beaten out of the field, was, for that he put mighty confidence in this army of blood-men; for he put a great deal of more trust in them than he did before in his army of doubters; though they had also often done great service for him in the strengthening of him in his kingdom.

They must have blood, the blood of Mansoul, else they die; and it is from hence that they have their name. Wherefore these blood-men he reserved while now that they might, when all his engines proved ineffectual, as his last and sure card be played against the town of Mansoul.

They would also after this show themselves in companies before the town of Mansoul, but never to abide in it; for if Captain Credence, Captain Good-Hope, or Captain Experience did but show themselves, they fled. Those that went out against the blood-men did as they were commanded: they forbore to slay any, but sought to compass them about.

They therefore resolve to make another attempt upon the town of Mansoul, and that by an army mixed and made up partly of doubters, and partly of blood-men. A more particular account now take of both.

So he took it, and looked upon it, and considered it, and took notice also of that short petition that the men of Mansoul had written at the bottom of it, and called to him the noble Captain Credence, and bid him go and take Captain Patience with him, and go and take care of that side of Mansoul that was beleaguered by the blood-men.

Then the armies of Diabolus, with his thousands of Election Doubters, and as many Vocation Doubters, and his troops of Blood-men thousands slain, and yet thousands start into existence. And all this in one man! How numberless are our thoughts how crafty the approaches of the enemy how hopeless and helpless is the sinner, unless Immanuel undertakes his recovery.

Now when this army had thus encamped themselves, Incredulity did, in the name of Diabolus, his own name, and in the name of the blood-men and the rest that were with him, send a summons as hot as a red-hot iron to Mansoul, to yield to their demands; threatening, that if they still stood it out against them, they would presently burn down Mansoul with fire.