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As I stepped behind them I saw that I was alone the others having all been shot down and seeing their battle line laying flat close by, ordered my prisoners to double-quick to the rear, and I trotted them out all right. When I commanded them to surrender, I thought my comrades were close by, and I had them under good control before I knew any better." Mrs.

Therefore, forward at the double-quick!" And the Bavarians rushed forward up the slope. But the Tyrolese had already succeeded in shooting or knocking down all the gunners, and taken possession of the cannon.

What do you mean to be?" "The man that does good work and gets good pay." "You are like the recruits. They all want to be marshals of France. Take old Giroudeau's word for it, and turn right about, in double-quick time, and go and pick up nails in the gutter like that good fellow yonder; you can tell by the look of him that he has been in the army.

Let the boy stay with us, if he wants to, but he'll have to cut out all love-making and double-dealing from this time on or I'll take you home in double-quick time." The young man seemed to resent the indictment.

Forward they went, at a double-quick, directly at the French. The cannon boomed, the musketry rattled; but the rain soon silenced the latter. "Boys," shouted Major von Othegraven to his battalion of the Brandenburg regiment, "if we cannot shoot them, we can club them!" And amid loud cheers the soldiers turned their muskets, and struck their enemies with the butts.

"You'll hear worse before long, if you keep on at this rate. My language is not so bad as your actions. If you don't have that girl back, and in double-quick time, too, I shall know how to make you!" "You have taught me to believe you capable of anything." "You shall at least find me capable of a good deal. Do you imagine, madam, I have found you a hair worse than I expected?"

We were now on one side of the creek: down the creek we went, and up on the other side in double-quick time, and a scene presented itself. On the side of the hill, not two hundred yards from us, were two men sitting down, looking towards us, the tent and fire immediately behind them; and on coming up to them, two of the most pitiable creatures imaginable were sitting down.

"And I am first mate." "Your being first mate doesn't count with us," came from Tom. "Not for a minute," added Dick. "If I had my own way, I'd pitch you out of this camp in double-quick order." "And Dan Baxter with him," put in Sam. "Why cannot both of them go and live with the other sailors who were saved?" asked Dora. "They could have their share of what is on the wreck."

Members of that Brigade have told me that the enemy rushed upon them at the double-quick, huzzahing loudly. The woods were filled with Confederate fugatives. Three brigades of Wilcox's Division and all of Heath's were driven more or less rapidly, crowding together in hopeless disorder, and only to be wondered at when any of them attempted to make a stand.

Colonel Wyman, of the Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, having been killed, I was the senior colonel of the brigade. Form here in the timber, and move out across the bayou on a double-quick, and go right on to the top of the heights in your front." He then told me to await a signal.