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Updated: August 13, 2024

'If government did interfere, it would not benefit the workman, as his rate of wages depends entirely on the amount of competition between the workmen themselves. Yes, my dear children, you must eat each other; we are far too fond parents to interfere with so delightful an amusement! Curse them sleek, hard-hearted, impotent do-nothings!

On the other hand, that Council of State are a pack of do-nothings, who leave their duties to little scamps every one of whom is bought up by our prefect. That's my lawsuit! They want my manufactory! Well, they'll get it! and they must manage the best they can with my workmen, a hundred of 'em, who'll make them sing another tune before they've done with them." "Two years.

Vagabonds, idlers, and do-nothings, such as must be in every community, were caught up by the authorities and made to earn their bread. The devil's pillow, idleness, was smoothed for no portion of the population. There were no beggars, few paupers, no insolently luxurious and ostentatiously idle class.

I've beat the insurance company bad, and I ain't dead yet. I have all this money, but what good has it done anybody?" "It can do good in the future, Uncle." "I want to leave something to Mandy's boys not too much for I'm afraid they'd squander it, and become do-nothings. What shall I do with it?" "Do you wish me to suggest a public use for your fortune?"

"Pish!" says he impatiently, "plain as day we must sail on the frigate for France, or they imprison us here in Paris we shall be kept dangling by promises, hangers-on and do-nothings till the moneys are all used then " "Then sir?" "Then, active men are dangerous men, and dangerous men may lie safe and quiet in the sponging-house!" "Do we sail in that case?" "Egad, yes! Why not?

Desperate, apparently reckless temerity on the battle-field was deliberately indulged in, that the world might be brought to recognise a hero and chieftain in a King. The do-nothings of the Merovingian line had been succeeded by the Pepins; to the effete Carlovingians had come a Capet; to the impotent Valois should come a worthier descendant of St. Louis.

He swore as the pebbles rolled under his feet. It was the fault of Coqueville, he promised to shake up those do-nothings well. But, in the meantime, he was approaching. All at once, in the turning at the last rock, he saw the twenty houses of the village hanging to the flank of the cliff. Nine o'clock struck.

Desperate, apparently reckless temerity on the battle-field was deliberately indulged in, that the world might be brought to recognise a hero and chieftain in a King. The do-nothings of the Merovingian line had been succeeded by the Pepins; to the effete Carlovingians had come a Capet; to the impotent Valois should come a worthier descendant of St. Louis.

"My dear Miss Marian," he exclaimed "work! Think of dressing every day for dinner, of making half a dozen calls in an afternoon with a policeman at every corner ready to jump into your auto and take you to the station, if you get up any greater speed than a donkey cart's gait. We do-nothings are the hardest workers in the land."

'Gradually, says Sir John Lubbock, 'even their bodily force dwindled away under the enervating influence to which they had subjected themselves, until they sank to their present degraded condition weak in body and mind, few in numbers, and apparently nearly extinct, the miserable representatives of far superior ancestors maintaining a precarious existence as contemptible parasites of their former slaves. One may observe in passing that these wretched do-nothings cannot have been the ants which Solomon commended to the favourable consideration of the sluggard; though it is curious that the text was never pressed into the service of defence for the peculiar institution by the advocates of slavery in the South, who were always most anxious to prove the righteousness of their cause by most sure and certain warranty of Holy Scripture.

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