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Updated: August 8, 2024

I mind th' time well whin an Orangey 'd as lave go through hell in a celluloid suit as march in this here town on the twelfth iv July. I raymimber wanst they was a man be th' name iv Morgan Dempsey, a first cousin iv thim Dempseys that lives in Cologne Sthreet, an' he was a Roscommon man, too, an' wan iv th' cutest divvles that iver breathed th' breath iv life.

Presently however, I recognised Garry O'Neil's voice above the general din. "Clear off, ye murthorin' divvles!" he cried, waving his arms above the heads of the crowd of onlookers, as I could now see. "The poor chap wants air, and ye're stayling the viry br'ith out of his nosshrils!

And sure enough he kept his word, or all but suiting the action to it at any rate. "And so we gathered up our clothes, and went back in our separate coaches, and no blood spilt. "'And is it thrue now, said Mr. Macshane, when we were alone 'is it thrue now, all these divvles have been saying? 'Ensign, says I, 'you're a man of the world? "''Deed and I am, and insign these twenty-two years.

Some iv th' poor divvles iv heroes is liberated fr'm th' cares iv life; an' th' r-rest iv thim is up in threes, an' wishin' they was home, smokin' a good see-gar with mother. "An' all this because Aggynaldoo didn't hear th' whistle blow. He thought th' boom was still on in th' hero business.

"And about the kidneys now I remember, the black divvles outside the fort have seized upon all the sheep; and how are we to have kidneys without them?" "And with regard to the milk and crame, it may be remarked that the cows are likewise in pawn, and not a single drop can be had for money or love: but we can beat up eggs, you know, in the tay, which will be just as good." "Oh! just as good."

"Thin 'tis this waay thim murdherous divvles is b'atin' ut!" "Gimme a back up that fince!..." P. Sybarite picked himself up with even more alacrity that if he'd landed in a bed of nettles, tore across that terra-incognita, found a second fence, and was beyond it in a twinkling. Swift as he was, however, detection attended him a voice roaring: "There goes wan av thim now!"

Th' sicrety iv state is settin' in his office feelin' blue because he's just heerd be a specyal corryspondint iv th' London Daily Pail at Sydney, Austhreelya, who had it fr'm a slatewriter in Duluth that an ar- rmy iv four hundherd an' eight thousan' millyon an' sivinty-five bloodthirsty Chinee, ar-rmed with flatirnes an' cryin', 'Bung Loo! which means, Hinnissy, 'Kill th' foreign divvles, dhrive out th' missionries, an' set up in Chiny a gover'mint f'r the Chinee, is marchin' on Vladivostook in Siberyia, not far fr'm Tinsin."

"And about the kidneys now I remember, the black divvles outside the fort have seized upon all the sheep; and how are we to have kidneys without them?" "And with regard to the milk and crame, it may be remarked that the cows are likewise in pawn, and not a single drop can be had for money or love: but we can beat up eggs, you know, in the tay, which will be just as good." "Oh! just as good."

I'd boil 'em alive, sor, or roast 'em in the stoke-hold, begorrah, if I had me own way with 'em. I would, sor, so hilp me Moses, if all the howly saints, whose names be praised, an' the blessed ould Pope, too, prayed me to spare 'em. Och, the murtherin' bastes, the daymans, the divvles!" He was almost beside himself in his rage and passionate invective.

The old lady is his widowed mother, and the corpse, he's her only son and her a widow. He sez: 'Shure, Oi'll come, an' Oi'll be afther gettin' some o' thim other divvles to jine. Me name is Roilly. 'Right-o, old dear, I sez. 'I didn't think it was Moses and Straus."

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