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Drink neither too slowly nor too hastily, nor as if gulping the wine, nor too frequently, nor without water as drunkards do. Wipe your lips before and after drinking, and do not breathe too loudly then or at any other time, for that is very inelegant. 100th. Ne vous nettoyez pas les dents auec la nappe, ou la seruiette, ny auec le doigt, la fourchette, ou le cousteau.

Like all the others, it had not been faced with tools. Consequently, although roughly even, there were slight irregularities in the surface. Now, as Dias pointed them out to him, he saw that there were lines running through it here and there. "Look here, senor. The stone has been struck here. Here are some dents." These were scarcely noticeable.

Let the disappointed ones rage if they wish." The forest woman, having pressed the dents out of her damaged coffee pot and prepared a fresh supply of coffee, now summoned the Overlanders to breakfast, which was a somewhat hurried meal, for Tom and Hippy were eager to get out to direct the work on their dam, which already was moving along satisfactorily, and which they hoped to finish in about another week.

Well, the expression certainly in its eccentricity is quite equal to the phraseological excursion to the moon of Madame de Sevigne, who, meaning to speak of attempting an impossibility, writes "lay hold of the moon with the teeth" prendre la lune avec les dents!" Bracciolini, who, in his letters to Niccoli puts me in mind of Dean Swift in his letters to Dr. Bacon.

Sleepy servants were cleaning up, but Fox vowed that they should bring us yet another bottle before going home. So down we sat about the famous old round table, Fox fingering the dents the gold had made in the board, and philosophizing; and reciting Orlando Furioso in the Italian, and Herodotus in the original Greek.

Opposite her, on the far side of the water, the beautiful Savoy range sloped upwards from the shore, brooding maternally above the villages which fringed the borders of the lake, while to her left the snow-capped Dents du Midi, almost dazzling in the brilliant sunshine, guarded the gracious valley of the Rhone. It was very calm, and peaceful, and sunshiny.

Sleepy servants were cleaning up, but Fox vowed that they should bring us yet another bottle before going home. So down we sat about the famous old round table, Fox fingering the dents the gold had made in the board, and philosophizing; and reciting Orlando Furioso in the Italian, and Herodotus in the original Greek.

"Was it gold around it?" asked Polly, poking away busily. "Gold? I guess it was; and there was dents in it, where Car'line an' I bit into it when we were babies, 'cause mother give it to us when our teeth was comin' 'twas better'n a chicken bone, she said." "Oh," said Polly. "Well, now you know," said Car'line's sister, "an' don't for mercy's sakes ask any more useless questions.

They came too late; the marauders were off, and all that they found of their mule was the dents of his hoofs, as he had been conveyed off at a round trot, bearing his savory cargo to the hills, to furnish the scampering savages with a banquet of roast meat at the expense of the white men. The party returned to camp, balked of their revenge, but still more grievously balked of their supper.

Mais quelles dents! she sang out. Her people laughed at her. The Spahi looked at her again not smiling. She shrank back on the balcony. Then his place was taken by the Governor small imperial, chapeau de forme, evening dress, landau and pair. Mademoiselle was désolée. Why couldn't civilised men look like Spahis? Why were all Parisians commonplace? Why why?