United States or Bouvet Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

While I swallowed my second cup he was brushing the mould and smoothing the dents from my felt hat, which had been entombed for a month in the sail-locker; working at it with a remorseful concern in his face. The only initiative I am conscious of having shown was in the matter of my bag.

Here was the red-brick Sterner residence which marked the beginning of the avenue; here was the Jordon house, the Eisenhaurs', the Dents', the Markhams', the Frasers'; the Hawkins', where he had been a guest; the Willoughbys', the Everett's, colonial and ornate; the little cottage where lived the Watts old maids between the imposing fronts of the Macys' and the Krupstadts'; the Craigs

At five o'clock the little church bell, ringing the Angelus, woke the women, who usually slept the whole morning long. The villagers were up already, and the women went busily from house to house, carefully bringing short, starched muslin dresses or very long wax tapers tied in the middle with a bow of silk fringed with gold, and with dents in the wax for the fingers.

All holes, gashes, dents and cracks were turned back or down to deceive the beholder. There were few whole pieces on the dresser. "Great guns, Mary," I exclaimed, "here are two new plates and a new cup! Well, well, and you never said a word in any of your letters about them." "Ye needn't get huffed if we don't tell ye all the startlin' things!" Mary said. "Ah!" I exclaimed, "there's her cup!"

It was quite two minutes before it was cautiously opened by Adele, whose face looked flushed and there were two white dents at the corners of her mouth. "I heard she didn't come," Adele began, without waiting for Judy to speak. "Let's go down to breakfast. We're late as it is." She closed the door with a slam and pushed Judy in front of her toward the stairs.

Half a dozen times a day would he adjust his crutches, their steel points preventing his slipping, and mount the stairs to his room, one step at a time. Some months after, when the matting was taken up, the mother took her youngest boy he was then fifteen to the steps: "Do you see the dents of your brother's crutches? count them. Every one was a nail in his coffin."

"'And the dents which my son made cutting his teeth? he added. "'Invariably go with an American's watch. Rubber or ivory rings aren't good enough for American babies to chew on, said I. 'They must have gold watches or nothing. "'And finally, how did you know I was a rich American? he asked.

"Muscle?" she said, smiling at him. "It dents. See?" He clasped his other hand over hers and squeezed it lightly. "Oh, golly, Brule!" she said happily. "I'm so glad I'm back!" He gave her the smile. "You're not the only glad one!" She looked around, humming softly. They were having dinner in one of the Grand Commerce Center's restaurants.

"I hear you ran across Tony Brabazon in Mentone, and I think that by now you probably know as much about what happened up at the Dents de Loup as I or any one, and are probably cursing yourself. Don't. It's a waste of time and happiness. Come to my party instead."

And one day he came and prattled out to me the story of an adventure he had had at the Dents de Loup how he got caught up there with a girl. And I knew, then, that it was your adventure, too though of course he never mentioned your name. But it was as clear as daylight to me. It was as though scales had fallen from my eyes.... I knew then what I'd done.