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Now pour the water off, quick! Quick!" Splendidly the girl obeyed. The water ran, foaming strangely, out into a glass jar set to receive it. Her hands trembled not, nor did she hesitate. Only, a line formed between her brows; and her breath, half-held, came quickly through her lips. "Stop!" His voice rang like a shot. "Now, decant it through this funnel, into the vials!"

I wish I could have stayed to decant some port." Nancy and Maggie bustled about, in and out of the kitchen and dairy; and were so deep in their preparations for Mr. Buxton's reception that they were not aware of the very presence of that gentleman himself on the scene.

Shakespeare himself, who apologizes for trying to make a cockpit hold the vasty fields of France, might have been excused for not attempting to decant The Universal Deluge into a receptacle scarcely bigger than a costermonger's barrow. Of the three remaining cars, Sin was beyond comparison the finest both in conception and execution.

My Child shall take 10, 12, or 15 pound of Saturn, wherein is no mixture of any other Metal; laminate it thin, have in readiness a great Stone Jugg, half full of Vinegar, stop the Jugg very close, set it in a Lukewarm Bath, every three or four days scrape off the calcin'd Saturn from the Plates, and reserve it apart, thus do so long till you have 5 or 6 l. of the calcin'd Saturn, then grind it very well on a Stone with good distilled Wine-Vinegar, so as you may paint therewith, then take two or three great Stone-pots, therein put the Calx of Saturn which you ground, poure good distilled Wine-Vinegar upon it, that two parts of the Pot be full, stir it well together, stop the Pot close with a polished Glass or Pebble-stone, set the Pots in a Bath, stir it four or five times in a day with a wooden Ladle, lay the Glass or Stone Stopple again over it, make the Bath no hotter than that you may well endure your hand therein, that is, lukewarm; so let it stand fourteen days and nights, then decant that which is clear into another Stone-pot, poure other distilled Vinegar upon the Calx which is not well dissolved, mix them well together, set it 14 days in the Bath, again decant it, and poure other Vinegar upon it as before.

We decant the choicest wines of Europe into our cellars; we ought to be always decanting the precious treasures of her libraries and galleries into our own, as we have opportunity and means. As to the means, there are so many rich people who hardly know what to do with their money that it is well to suggest to them any new useful end to which their superfluity may contribute.

"Decant a half of each in your flagons. Is there brandy?" "Yes, Father." "Then mix with the two wines as much brandy as you think their already drunken palates will not detect. Make the potation stronger with brandy as the night wears on. When they drop off into their sodden sleep, bring a flagon to the guard at the gate, and tell him the Baron sends it to him."

LAVENDER WATER. To a pint of highly rectified spirits of wine, add an ounce of the essential oil of lavender, and two drams of the essence of ambergris. Put the whole into a quart bottle, shake it frequently, and decant it into small bottles for use. LAVER. This is a plant that grows on the rocks near the sea in the west of England, and is sent in pots prepared for eating.

No sooner did the fine promissory note of the discharge of its tompion reach his ear, than he cried out, with the authority of a field-officer at least: "Decant it. Leave the last glass in the bottom." The laird filled a decanter, and set it before him. "Haven't you a mangum-jug?" "No, my lord." "Then fill another decanter, and mind the last glass." "I have not another decanter, my lord."

'Gorman, will you decant another bottle? 'I believe I ought to protest against more wine, said the priest, in his most insinuating voice; 'but there are occasions where the yielding to temptation conveys a moral lesson. 'I suspect that I cultivate my nature a good deal in that fashion, said Gorman, as he opened a fresh bottle.

She stopped. Her eyes lit up. "Oh, Archie, darling, I've got an idea!" "Decant it." "Why don't you slip up to New York to-morrow and buy the thing, and give it to father as a surprise?" Archie patted her hand kindly. He hated to spoil her girlish day-dreams. "Yes," he said. "But reflect, queen of my heart!